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Everything posted by Jkwellborn

  1. Maybe they do need the numbing effects of alcohol.
  2. I did see something talking about how there were a bunch of 4th, 5th and 6th yr players on the MI team. Not sure how many, but having older players is a big help a lot of time.
  3. Watts got hit in the back, not the play the OL belly swallowed him whole.
  4. Would you say, Texas got their best game? Or that Texas was their championship game? lol That was the offense I really expected to see when Texas played. All those bs dimes and catches weren’t going to continue.
  5. I’d wager all manufacturing prefers non-union employees. I think the car manufacturers in the south still have a few union shops, but the foreign companies have done a lot to incentivize the employees to keep that nonsense out.
  6. That guy just seems like a clown. I can’t stand trying to listen to his videos. Do you have a screenshot of them presnap?
  7. Should have said the guy was on his fantasy team or something.
  8. They didn’t do shit on Blues fumble. He hit Helm and just lost the ball. It was a shitty call by the ref to award them the ball because there wasn’t some clear immediate recovery.
  9. Man, after that bit on Club Shay Shay or whatever, he’s days really are probably numbered.
  10. lol there still isn’t shit there.
  11. What part of cass county was it? Because there are some parts that are sure enough in the sticks.
  12. I’ll probably cancel my YouTubetv subscription by then too.
  13. Looked kinda like AD was expecting the ball to be throw to be to the front of the endzone and Ewers threw the fade.
  14. You don’t want 3 or 4 different brands and battery platforms. That’s a massive space waste.
  15. Man, imagine if Keith Jackson (RIP) got to call one of his games. Replace VYs name with Noah Knigga on that iconic call.
  16. He’s gonna get an offer from them soon.
  17. Give it time. One of the announcers is gonna put it on there by accident.
  18. That ball was never going to bounce. Probably the dumbest damn onsides attempt I’ve seen in my life. Texas had no shot of recovering that. Looked like something a monkey would come up with after it bit a kid at Halloween.
  19. it also comes with a once. I’ll agree to an extent. I’m not dragging a generator to the deer lease to work on something because all my shit if corded. I bought a bunch of cordless stuff because I didn’t have power in my shop for a while.
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