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Everything posted by ruitxn

  1. Didn’t play well but won a tough game. That is just basketball
  2. If only Trump would have had a couple more rallies in Ga., Ossoff wouldn’t be worried about a measly .5 recount threshold.
  3. I don’t think the Stoops thing came directly from Stark. Conjecture based on who available is in his circle at Bama. Thanks for the post. Everything you’ve posted here makes sense to me.
  4. Typical Coach Vic win, and will only get better when his recruiting kicks in. After only half a season, the team fundamentals improvement is encouraging.
  5. Mostly, I’m ecstatic that we actually fired a failed narcissist excuse as a head coach. I am extremely pleased to have an adult head coach. NO ONE knows what the next 3-4 years will bring. Right now....I’m just going to say Hook’em!!!!
  6. Ha, ha. I can’t stop laughing. He was smart enough to know those damn conga lines are dangerous.
  7. The June 29 photo is photoshopped.
  8. I am just hoping these guardians will be trained to guard cyber security hacks.
  9. Not an issue with Urban/CDC. If he is too scared to fire Herman’s ass, he will tremble in Myers’s presence.
  10. Well you have to feel sorry for the guy because he was forced to go to 247 because that sorry CDC will not take his calls anymore. And...he isn’t the only one, those little 7 figure guys who do not have the big big bucks like he has, can’t get in touch with CDC either.
  11. CDC would make a typical politician.
  12. Is Jeffrey sure his mom will allow him to declare civil war.
  13. Who is an AD out there (name) that you think could have brought Urban, Dabo, or Saban to UT? These are the only proven university coaches to compare with Urban. Anyone one else and there would be no consensus on this board. So clowns I guess.
  14. Condolences for his family. Coach Akers did things his way; honorable, tough, prepared. It is still a good way to mimic after all these years. RIP
  15. Think about that again. No way CDC is going to talk to 18 year old high schoolers and spill the beans about a secret head coach hire. We don’t pay him a million bucks a year for that kind of lunacy.
  16. Urban apparently and wisely is considering many variants concerning this job. I guarantee you one thing he isn’t considering is what fucking Mack Brown thinks.
  17. I think it is right down the road from Forestburg.
  18. No, officially hired but not announced.
  19. That is why Vegas isn’t taking bets.
  20. The willfully ignorant rarely change through education. The only change through circumstance...economic, health, disaster, etc.
  21. Yes , this and the fact he didn’t want to get a bill for the Dom Perignon.
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