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Everything posted by ruitxn

  1. Agree Urban brings tons more football acumen and leadership than anything we have seen in years. Not even close. I am not diminishing what Saban has accomplished and certainly he still has it. I don’t think his current program is as dominate as it once was. In my mind, the two great hires lately was Dabo at Clemson and Lincoln at gooners. Something about getting started great, and young enough to build your own program and recruit at the highest level. We certainly have every advantage to have a football program that should outclass and perform Bama or Clemson or any other program. We have had two recent opportunities to make the hire that puts us back in the mix and we have failed miserably both times. Urban is possibly a safe hire even at his age and certainly better than the last two phonies. Personally, I wish we could find that younger charismatic program builder. That coach is out there, but who it is is a totally different discussion. Considering our failures, the proven experienced winner may be the popular interim solution.
  2. I will agree an Urban hire makes sense to clean this mess up. There is a red flag that shouldn’t be dismissed. The Coach Saban of today is not the Saban of ten years ago who built the Bama era. The Coach Urban of today will not be the same Urban of ten years ago.
  3. CDC has proven to be a good women’s sports AD. He hasn’t shown that he is willing to take the reins and deal with men’s athletics.
  4. Skylar is bringing it tonight. Good for her.
  5. You sound like someone on this board who has actually played football.
  6. Out coached, out played, out smarted.
  7. Nothing will really change legislatively. It is presidential executive order or nothing.
  8. Small was behind on Election Day voting. Some local media called Harrell victory. Small was winner after MIV was counted. Of course R’s still call it election fraud. Same two running this year.
  9. With the Old Breed should be a must read for anyone with a relative who fought in WWII. My father was 1st. Division Marine the subject of this book. He was one of the few who survived both Peleliu and Okinawa. Four thousand of his buddies lost their lives. Volunteers. Dad never talked about his experience. After reading through this book, page after page filled with my tears, I understood why. He died at age 91. When he was 88, three years before his ultimate battle with leukemia, he could have kicked Donald Trump’s fat ass and would have been happy to do it.
  10. You just don’t get it do you buddy. This just isn’t about damn football. Your cavalier attitude and others like you regarding a damn serious health crisis in our country is a major reason we are projected to have over 400,000 deaths in this country by the end of 2020. You probably don’t believe this either. I hope you send 400,000 thoughts and prayers to the families losing loved ones and I sincerely hope your family as well as mine aren’t touched. I understand the hoopla over athletics college and pro. More than anything, I wish more individuals realized lives WILL Be SAVED if our country would make wise educated choices concerning public activities until we have a valid vaccine.
  11. Sad? Just testimonial that having wealth or being poor is no prevention for being self centered. Selfishness is an acquired trait just like racism.
  12. Trump’s rules and agenda for the country in 2016 and 2020 have not changed at all. He is all about benefitting and making life easier for the privileged wealthy. For everyone else...he promises to make life miserable and difficult for those you disagree with and hate. It has worked for him especially with the lower educated.
  13. BIG has too much control of volleyball.
  14. So...you are undecided but decided to come here and list the same tired Fox-Republican talking points of the cult. Thanks, I’ve read enough about your whinny struggles. I am not struggling at all concerning my vote.
  15. If kids are on campus, I hope y’all cram 100,000 butt to butt aggys together too. Whoop!!
  16. I look for eligibility to be like Spring 2020. So...we battle Baylor for a conference championship. Bring that shit on!!!
  17. We are killing kids because we are greedy and love power more than honor
  18. Orange grease, NOT burnt orange damn it.
  19. Ok. I’ll show how out of touch I am. It is amazing to me how a “religion” discussion takes form on this board. Page after page, word after word. As a man of faith, I wonder how and should I enter this conversation. I choose to give my simplistic approach and get out. True faith and belief is never found through intellect (page after page, word after word). It is always a personal search of the heart. Yes Brisket, how you live and not what you know. Well what in the hell are things of the heart. I can’t really express it but I can believe “heart” reality through my life experience. My greatest example today. Jesus says in Matthew that if you want to know him you need to come as the children who were in his presence. Children? Surely you jest Jesus. All a child has to offer is love and trust. I am getting to live this truth today. My “sweet girl” four year old granddaughter has brought me an increased awareness of my spiritual relationship to God. She brought nothing into this world to build our relationship...except the most important things. She loves me and she trusts me. The one word I cherish above all others is when I hear her say “Poppa”. What did I bring to our relationship? I had to prove that I was worthy of her love and her trust. I am humbled and frightened with that supreme responsibility not from my intellect, but from my heart.
  20. That all changed when Ryan Tannehill signed with aggy
  21. Really how much has really changed in 2020. Hopefully, the electorate sees beyond Trump. I wonder how much democratic leadership has really changed.
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