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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. That’s not realistic and it’s dumb to place fault with Dems anywhere in this clown show.
  2. Fortunately I sat with $1k I was up plying $2/5 before the stream started, so it really wasn’t that bad a night. Note, too, the software misread my cards on the flush vessel and thought I lost, so the leaderboard they showed was wrong
  3. He’ll have it on some random property he already “owns” so he can rent it to the library at some ridiculous markup, and of course he’ll also be the “builder” so he can fully leverage that grift too.
  4. https://jaxbchgolf.com/driving-range/
  5. No, we invested in mats and use them 95% of the time. While not originally a fan, I’ve come to accept them and they do have some positives over grass. Plus we got shades and lights installed so I can go out there regardless of weather/time
  6. Lol! Yep, we have a huge driving range and it’s been packed the last week. US Am Tour is struggling to get us on courses recently. No one wants/needs our business. Their tee sheets are already full with people willing to pay full rack rate. Golf is apparently not dead after all
  7. Start live stream on Friday going 0-3 on first three hands, then get JJ vs an unknown that looks suspiciously solid (8:52 in) https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/8pqif_WYFWM?start=532&feature=oembed
  8. Lock thread 2023 Thread here
  9. This is the year we get em
  10. I would expect that to dilute his position, so certainly not helpful unless the valuation is a new high mark
  11. … for more than 20 seconds. 30 TOPS
  12. Walked 18 holes for seven days in a row post Christmas. You would think my scores would reflect steady improvement. You would be wrong.
  13. Interesting. I assumed separating then would cause them to cook too quickly, limiting the smoke imparted.
  14. For AirPods, i came across the suggestion for using the original tips on top of aftermarket memory foam and it’s worked quite well for me.
  15. At the end of the day, your question was if you should have argued more to dealer/floor about it…. nope. Remind dealer to help players by monitoring stacks, but other than that it’s going to be on you, regardless. We always talk/joke about snap call, snap fold, etc, but the reality is there isn’t a shot clock and we’re often making multi-hundred dollar decisions that are worth taking a moment on, even when seemingly obvious. A solid player needs to go through ALL of the motions of making good decisions, and being definitive about stack size is clearly among those.
  16. Shot taking $5/10 on bestbet stream tonight
  17. I’m curious your thoughts on Trump’s narcissistic tendencies, always making everything about himself.
  18. He can’t sell on a whim, right? As an officer, doesn’t he have to sell via a plan, and he already committed recently to not selling more this month
  19. You bundled donations and didn’t vote for Trump. We get it. We got it the first three times you insisted on telling us, though no one asked. Here’s your cookie. Fuck off.
  20. The Left doesn’t owe dick to Never Trump Republicans and sure as fuck doesn’t need to pander to them for votes. If you chose to vote for the fascists because you weren’t given a parade for figuring out that the GOP was a cult, that’s on you.
  21. The AUDACITY of wanting healthcare for all, addressing (hell, even acknowledging) climate change and protecting the liberty of those that don’t share their “Christian” values. EXTREMISM
  22. Bullshit. ONE SIDE owns this. And I say that as one who voted straight party R until 2016.
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