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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. Hell yeah it works. I burn 1600-1900 calories walking ~6 miles when playing golf. For me, though, an elliptical has been key to my success. 650 calories in 45 mins. No knee or back strain. I couldn’t run if my life depended on it
  2. Broke through 220 (219.7) this morning, down from 265. LFG
  3. Fortunately, the only harm from Covid is death, so this is a logical evaluation of risk.
  4. Per the 14th it would. It would be challenged up to SCOTUS so **shrug**
  5. THE most tilting move in poker? Leaving your headphones at home and being forced to listen to asinine table talk. Particularly painful on tourney days where everyone insists on telling how they went out and their decision process. Fucking hell
  6. There’s still a plausible chance he’s indicted before we get there
  7. I hadn’t broken 80 in 5 years. Not bad for a 14.1 handi
  8. Nothing is even close. Seems every year they add something to it. The networks couldn’t catch up even if they tried. I’d guess we’ll get drone material this year or maybe mic’d up groups
  9. First prime brisket they’ve had at our Costco in 2+ years. Smells incredible Planning on cooking through this evening, then holding in oven til lunch tomorrow
  10. I think we’ve spent or allocated $100B so far, so $300 per American. We spend $3k per American per year on our defense budget, for perspective.
  11. If you can find ways to exercise more, you can take ii and iii out of the equation. At this point, I’m finding anywhere from 800 to 1800 burned calories a day, which is allowing me to consume 1700 to 2700 **while still dropping 2 lbs per week**, which I find more than enough to rarely feel hungry.
  12. I’m about 10-11 weeks from joining the club with you. Should crack 220 any day now. 10 in a month is super strong. Nice work
  13. Your system assumes you never make a mistake in determining where everyone is around you. It works right up until the time it doesn’t.
  14. That’s pretty much what happens. And they all know it, and also that they need to hide it as much as possible. You want the amateurs to feel comfortable and not realize they’re effectively being targeted by the pack. When you study your ranges, you see that your preflop call/fold/raise range facing an open is entirely dependent on WHO that opener is. They’re doing that to a much greater degree. Those guys are factoring in the persona of their opponent on virtually every move they make.
  15. 1. At that point, they are playing a different game than “normal”. They are now leveraging their hours of studying the other’s specific play. I see this in the play of pros in our room. They are not treating me the same way they treat other pros. They have to continually learn and change up their own play to stay profitable. 2. You should be playing to win a tourney, not simply cash it. The reality is that tourney poker is highly unprofitable for most of us. The only way to get close to profitability is to take the top prize on occasion and if you just play to cash, you’re greatly reducing your capability of taking one down. You’ve got an incredible opportunity to take a commanding chip lead w AA here. Maximize it.
  16. The seminal moment in rock history genre naming came in 1981, when a Mr Samuel Roy Hagar presented with great clarity with his song “Heavy Metal” an inarguable distinction of what fans, media and music scholars alike can agree is, most certainly, NOT heavy metal.
  17. Smart. Make them think the Russians did it.
  18. BestBet live stream w an obnoxious drunk … could be good
  19. If you didn’t have “good inflation news so stocks tank” in your forecast, that’s on you
  20. Confirmed asshole Random thoughts that don't warrant a thread
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