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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. I was in the 40-42” range when I started this. Started wearing 38” comfortably somewhere around 240. I bought some 36” but, like you, guess it’s not realistic to wear them until that 200-210 range. I’d like to see 34” when I hit my final goal of 185 How do you plan on getting there?
  2. Perhaps 3-4 lbs in water weight fluctuation could occur with a diet shift, but you’re not going to just slip up and accidentally eat the 35k surplus calories you’d need to add 10 lbs of body mass
  3. It’s such a satisfying accomplishment. Keep playing frequently and you should get there now that you’re in the ballpark.
  4. Nice. You know it’s in there
  5. I’m dead-on my weekly calorie target every single week but look at this 4 week “plateau” (chart is of weekly weigh in averages, all with 7 weigh ins done at exact same time each morning). I’ve done this before, so I knew what to expect and don’t let it get to me, but I can see how it could easily wreck someone that doesn’t know WTF is happening. I’m sure it kills a ton of diets Note the huge recovery that put it right back on schedule, though I didn’t make any changes to my intake or activities.
  6. The body can only be so stubborn. If you consume less than you burn, you will drop weight. Water weight fluctuation may “hide” weight loss for a few weeks, but actual body mass was still being reduced behind the scenes. This eventually shows up as a “miraculous” weight loss one morning, but if you chart your data religiously the trend-line eventually proves right. Laws of Thermodynamics and shit
  7. 36oz bone in rib-eye, dry brined, smoked with pecan at 225* then reverse seared.
  8. For what it’s worth I’ve found tracking my water ensures I drink an excessive amount every day and that seems to minimize water weight/bloating. I drink 120oz minimum and would guess I was maybe half that before tracking. I’d always see my weight jump after unusually heavy exercise days previously, presumably because of dehydration, and now it is noticeably more stable.
  9. Does your application ask for my address?
  10. Dropped from 265 in August to 225 this week. Targeting 215 by Feb 15 for a Vegas golf trip, then coming back and pushing for 185 by June for our 20th Anniversary trip to Hawaii What are you all targeting?
  11. Stick to the plan and we’ll all be bangin 10s by Labor Day
  12. AirPods with modified tips have the same problem, but fortunately there is a charging light to warn you. Whatever you find, be sure to look for that case functionality. I’d have tossed my airpods without it
  13. Please explain why you think they were called monkey bars…
  14. If you’re still there, you’re complicit.
  15. Temps are super steady. Never had a problem with smoke, though it can be challenging (not impossible) to add new smoke chunks mid cook. I just plan ahead by burying chunks for later in the cook and that’s rarely needed.
  16. The key is to be patient. If you avoid getting reckless and bide your time, eventually some Omaha player will sit while waiting for a spot in their game, and that’s when you start printing money.
  17. Yep, XL. Roughly 8 years old. It’s been great. I’ve put in new felt and changed out the thermometer, but all else with the smoker itself has held up. Cart rusted out on me last year so I’ve replaced it with their wood model.
  18. Then he dropped the “Clinton News Network” moniker when she called him out. Super classy.
  19. Knocked out some beef back ribs in just 4 hours
  20. That’s not realistic and it’s dumb to place fault with Dems anywhere in this clown show.
  21. Fortunately I sat with $1k I was up plying $2/5 before the stream started, so it really wasn’t that bad a night. Note, too, the software misread my cards on the flush vessel and thought I lost, so the leaderboard they showed was wrong
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