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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornbri

  1. That sure looks like Murder, can you shoot someone for trespassing? Edit - found a video with audio. Bunch of dumbasses but there are going to be some jurors that say it is self defense. The father said “i will take that gun and use it” or something close to that and then reached for the gun. Its hard to tell exactly what he said.
  2. Nevermind, now i see that was the trip that got fucked up. Fucking year old post got me.
  3. This looks pretty awesome, how did it go and would you recommend them?
  4. I think he is just saying he know the intent of the people in cloak room, based on past statements Just like the people claiming to know the intent of KR, based on past statements
  5. We need a over/under for, the number of “hot takes” of people saying “I don’t understand you cannot provoke and then claim self defense” from people with no clue on the facts of this case and have relied on msm to give them the “facts” that are going to be posted after a quick verdict today.
  6. He actually showed a image from Roadhouse to the jury https://www.thewrap.com/kyle-rittenhouse-trial-road-house-image/
  7. Yep, i did not like Dak rushing in that TD and he shouldn’t play another down. You have a 40 pt leading the 4th quarter of a NFL game.
  8. I am with you, but the right application, with a nice bowl of red, sounds intriguing.
  9. I think they are just saying no one HERE is calling them a hero. Sure there are groups in other places in the US that are.
  10. Exactly, he asked everyone in the room to stand that was a veteran. Then he gave a round of applause. It is not like the guy got on the stand, the judge stopped the proceedings, and said “wait lets pause for this defense witness before we proceed”.
  11. CNN attacking the judge: https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/11/us/kenosha-judge-bruce-schroeder-asian-food-comments/index.html
  12. Well clearly you need to put it on one of those online “create your own” crossword sites and post the link.
  13. This weeks episode was really good. Only 2 left this season.
  14. This is where I am, i have heard for years people complain about her but no one every provides any concrete examples of what she has done wrong. Or how she hasn’t done her job.
  15. I am booked at Aria the weekend after that. We stayed back in November and had a cabana by the pool we thought it was pretty great.
  16. Yep, and it saves them money by not deploying that inventory all over the country where it might not be needed. You can have it quick or you can have it cheap.
  17. Remember the jury is deciding if their was reasonable cause for the defendant to use self defense. At least 1 in 12 people is going to agree if a crazy guy is chasing at you yelling ‘fuck you’ and lunging for your gun. AFTER he already said he was going to kill you if he found you alone AND you just heard a gunshot fired seconds before by a 3rd party…yeah they guy has responsible doubt. He is likely still a asshole but he has a pretty good defense.
  18. I have a Work Sharp Ken Onion edition and its pretty nice. I will say because it is larger once it comes out I sharpen all the knives. It is not one you are going to want to get out to sharpen just one knife at a time.
  19. hornbri


    Which brand did you like. 3chi was the best I tried and still meh.
  20. It's a drug used to help people with cancer. Some drug dealers are not very smart (shocking) and don't know the difference between a milligram and a microgram, it turns out thats a pretty big fucking difference.
  21. hornbri


    Do you know what you took? I have never had anything like that happen.
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