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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornbri

  1. Website is down, hope thats not a bad sign.
  2. I don't think we see them until about 5 o'clock on Sunday evenings.
  3. Some gumbo, messy bowl but you get the point .
  4. Ours did not do that and we are paying full tuition. On top of that (and this is the part that bothers me) the teachers working are getting paid, but those that are not due to low attendance or because they are self isolating are NOT getting paid. In my mind if I am paying full tuition all the teachers should be getting paid.
  5. I bought some call options this morning when we were at lows this morning and just sold them for a short term profit.
  6. It may not meet your expectations but It does kinda make sense, when you consider the market is forward looking and everyone thought the news was going to be even worse.
  7. It will - the number priced in was closer to 4M, thus seeing the market up today. The bad news was "less bad" than expected.
  8. It's phased out right? So that person will still get something.
  9. Yeah it is coming out the stimulus bill is not done.
  10. I don't know that everyone thinks that, I have seen multiple people on the tube today saying just that. And others saying we may have seen the bottom. I think everyone thinks there will be continued volatility, what they dont agree on is will there be bigger down days or up days in the future. TLDR - no one knows shit.
  11. We listed a house two weeks ago we were renting out, got multiple offers and got a buyer through, they backed out last weekend but at least they released the earnest money to us. Now we have to relist and I worried the market has shifted dramatically. (In cedar park)
  12. So the good news is 4 of the last 8 days was green? vs 2 of the previous 8?
  13. I dont think that is true - if you look at the S&P today you saw the market react from 12:30 to about 1:15 when Shumer said a deal was close, then when the senate voted and it failed the market went down. I still think when the deal is done we will see a pop (granted it might be short term).
  14. Got my 7 year old animal crossing, she is loving it so far.
  15. I am not telling anyone else to do it that is not comfortable with it. My post said "for those of us trying to stay the course". Of course any number of strategies might be better then others. My point was more once you pick one you should stick with it. Bouncing between different strategies is no strategy.
  16. Yes but if day 1 is -15% and days 2-30 are +1% each you still missed out. The point is you just don't know what is going to happen. I do get the point in having dry powder available, and if we all know for 100% certainty what was going to happen in the next week we would sell everything and buy puts.
  17. Thought this was a good read for those of us trying to stay the close and not time the market. 3 Charts that show why investors should stay the course
  18. Went ahead and closed those out today, 230% profit in less then 24 hours. Maybe I could have gotten more holding to next week but why get greedy.
  19. Glad you are getting her home, I am sure you cannot wait until Friday evening.
  20. Yeah I think so, Hilton sent out a note saying something about this but I did not pay that much attention to it.
  21. I bought some DIS call options @$90 expires 3/27. When I bought them the stock was at ~$80 and it closed at ~$89 so those options have doubled so far. If we get any sort of bounce tomorrow I will sell them and take the profits.
  22. I wonder if this matters? What kind of trades are still done on the floor anyway?
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