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Stella Link

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Everything posted by Stella Link

  1. Dennis Rodman reveals the main clue that sum ting wong with his BFF.... https://nypost.com/2020/05/21/rodman-this-kim-jong-un-clue-indicates-something-is-wrong/
  2. All I know is his body was cremated and the ashes were buried per his will. I have seen his grave. The funeral home told me he had prearranged last wishes and arrangements that were carried out by the state. Have no idea what happened to his estate or if he had one. I did follow up with the police about 5 years later to see if they had found the killer, but they hadn't. They wouldn't release any other information other than the immediate facts in the case. I assume that was because the case wasn't closed. My brother, sister and I also believe he was tied up with the mob in some way. I think my parents, and especially my mom, might have been embarrassed about my Uncle and what he might have been involved with.
  3. Sure. Need to touch on the backstory. My uncle was the ex-husband of my mom's sister. I'll call him "Uncle Mike". When I was in elementary school, Uncle Mike would sometimes drop by the house unannounced. He was divorced from my aunt at that time (I don't remember him when he was married to my aunt, so the divorce probably happened before I was born or soon after). As a kid, I always thought he was a cool guy. He literally looked, acted and talked like George Raft (1940s era). Had jet-black hair that was parted and slicked straight back. Wore dark suits. Every time he would drop by, he would give me, my brother and sister a (real) silver dollar. As a kid, I never knew what he did for a living or even where he lived. I did know he didn't live in the town where I grew up. That's probably why he would show up at the house from time to time unannounced because he happened to be in town. Uncle Mike seemed mysterious to me, my brother and sister because we didn't know what he did for a living, we didn't know where he lived, we didn't know why he and my aunt divorced, and we didn't know any background about him. Uncle Mike and my aunt didn't have any kids. Both of my parents seemed tight-lipped about him, and they were open and honest to us about EVERYTHING gowning up. Didn't know if they wanted to protect us from something or didn't want us to know. Fast-forward to when I was about 25 years old. I hadn't heard from or about Uncle Mike since the last time I saw him when I was a kid. I had a job and was working in my hometown. I was reading the morning paper and happened to see an article about an apartment manager and his girlfriend that were gunned down inside their apartment. Reading the article, it named my Uncle Mike as the apartment manager that was killed! WTF!!! Apparently, Uncle Mike lived in an apartment on the property where he managed it. He and his girlfriend were in the living room watching TV together on the couch. A gunman burst down the front door and sprayed my Uncle and his girlfriend with bullets, like with a machine gun. The couch and wall were filled with bullets. Apparently, it was a nasty, bloody scene. The bodies were almost unrecognizable. I took the newspaper and drove over to my mom's house (my father and my aunt (Uncle Mike's ex-wife) had passed away by that time). I showed the article to my mom and she read it. I told her, "ok mom...now you need to explain what's the deal with Uncle Mike". She read the article and had a cold look in her eye. She wouldn't say a word. She just had a blank stare. I could tell she didn't want to talk about it, so I let it alone. But I also showed my brother and sister the article. They also tried to find out more from my mom, but couldn't. To this day, my Uncle Mike, his life and his death are still a mystery. The police never found out who killed him or why.
  4. Coronavirus: Dutch singletons advised to seek ‘sex buddy’ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-52685773 "Sex with yourself or with others at a distance is possible," it adds, suggesting "erotic stories" and "masturbating together" as possible solutions.
  5. Wow. 70 is very young these days. What great accomplishments throughout her entire life. RIP
  6. This. These days, it's more fashionable to wear glasses than it used to be, and there are certainly a lot of better choices for glasses and several ranges of price-points. Contacts are much better these days too.
  7. At least he'll get to see the Friday Night Fireworks this season......oh, wait....
  8. Most buffet type of restaurants are in trouble. Many like Sweet Tomatoes won't survive....
  9. My thought exactly...1-6 into the bye. But remember, BOB stated in the Chronicle it will "now" take three years to get the team in a championship position. Already making excuses.
  10. Would agree. But if masks aren't totally mandatory by municipalities, they would probably have to supply masks for all of their passengers.
  11. When I need a serious rehab, I go to one of the facilities associated with this company: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RCI_Hospitality_Holdings However, if you are looking for a company that has more traditional rehab centers, you might try this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Addiction_Centers
  12. I wish the Chronicle and Washington Post would get it right. It wasn't Kim's "train" that was spotted, it was his TRANS that was spotted. Sheesh....
  13. Kim Jong Un's train spotted at coastal resort, intel reports scotch death rumors https://www.chron.com/news/article/Kim-Jong-Un-s-train-spotted-at-coastal-resort-15226966.php?cmpid=hpctp
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