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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Eastwood

  1. I started calling Ewers “Chubby Bunny” due to how the helmet squishes his face. Sark was pissed at Chubby Bunny.
  2. Beto is a horrible candidate for Texas races. The moment he said “hell yes, I’m taking your AR-15” he was done forever in this state. That kind of shit rallies democrats, who are far outnumbered in rural counties and the suburbs, and does nothing but alienate the rural populace further. Beto lost Uvalde. Beto. Lost. Uvalde. Republicans are good at finding “enemies of the people” for rural voters to hate and the Dems keep running out the easiest person to paint as an enemy. What Dems fail to understand about Texas rural and suburban voters is that they are so united over a common enemy that they could have almost an entire grade wiped out by a shooter in their school and still not vote for the guy who is pushing for gun control. What the Dem party needs is a candidate with rural roots who knows how to navigate the blue collars, the evangelicals, and the ag industry. Throwing out the same city boy who can’t read the rural room will never work.
  3. If by slightly less you mean “went from seriously considering a vehicle to never touching a Tesla product if it puts one red cent in Elon’s pocket” then yes.
  4. Small tangent, but this has been my "favorite" logical fallacy that I have been combating with my family over the last, oh, 6 years or so. Any source that I provide to them that counters their beliefs is immediately discredited as untrustworthy. We'll know that Twitter is truly dead and buried when my parents and grandparents all have accounts, suddenly, and start sending me links to news articles from it because they know I don't have Facebook. Elon keeps fucking around and I won't have a Twitter, either. Speaking of, I kept seeing people mention Mastodon and I thought maybe I missed an album release because I love Mastodon, the band. But it looks like a platform called Mastodon is picking up a little traction as a Twitter alternative.
  5. It’s amazing how those who complain about free speech or free markets seldom know how either of them actually work.
  6. My condolences to anyone tied to Houston Ship Channel prices this week. What a beating.
  7. This ump and his strike zone have been atrocious, so far.
  8. This is a college football game. This isn't a home invasion where a burglar unknowingly picked the local gun nut and got shot. This isn't a carjacker getting run over. This is shit talking in a tunnel leading to a helmet to the head. Like I said before: proportionality.
  9. Tony Pollard should starts.
  10. Texas and OU have shared a tunnel for ~92 years and this has never happened.
  11. My question then is: Did the Michigan player deserve to be assaulted? That was the point of my original post. Was the outcome of running through the opposing team predictable? Maybe. Was it deserved? No. Was the ass-beating proportionate to the level of poor decision-making? No. There is not a reasonable "middle-ground" take here because there is no proportionality of response between the players. Michigan player made a bad decision, but that bad decision didn't deserve a 10 on 1 stomping by men in pads, helmets, and cleats. So on the sliding scale of fault, that's way on the Michigan State side. And the FAFO slider will be way on that side, too.
  12. The point is that the FAFO gate swings both ways. Assaulting a man on camera while wearing a uniform that identifies your team name, number, and last name is fucking around, waiting to find out.
  13. There are people in this thread saying it should have happened. I'm pointing out that it is a dumb take. And yeah, charges should be filed. You can't allow players to assault opposing players in the tunnel like that. Pushing and shoving happens all the time. It happened on the field before this happened. This went way beyond that. The lines of "acceptable" in this situation in college football have been pretty clear for decades. If this was within those lines, this wouldn't even be making headlines.
  14. People saying that he should have been jumped for being stupid, and therefore stupid people deserve to be assaulted, really need to think about that because that is a stupid take and someone might come barging into their house and start assaulting them any second now.
  15. We've had a culture problem since Deloss "We're the Joneses" Dodds kicked the marketing and monetization of the football program into high gear. That was 2008.
  16. This is my key point that I am making in this and the other thread. This guy has been paid millions without proving he deserves it beyond the NIL arms race. Some guys get paid that much money and check out because they don’t need anything else.
  17. They have NIL deals at those schools, but I consume college football just as much as everyone else here. Anyone trying to say that players at Texas don’t get more exposure than at other schools, including other blue bloods, is lying to themselves. Hell, it’s part of our recruitment pitch.
  18. Weird, because I have no idea what kind of haircut the Ohio State QB has, the Clemson RB doesn’t have his own mustard, and I don’t know how many other teams have luxury brands sending entire teams bags. We’re all flash and exposure. Nothing of football substance. The Longhorn Football program doesn’t have football as the first priority. It’s been like that since the twilight years of the Deloss Dodds era.
  19. The problem? His personal success off the field had nothing to do with his success on the field. He was the anointed savior before he even threw a pass in an actual college game. When you shower some guys with all that right out of the gate, then they lose all their drive. Some are just driven. Bijan is just driven. He has nothing left to gain off the field but he goes out there and plays like the best player in the nation. I haven’t seen any drive out of Quinn. All I’ve seen is a dude with raw talent that just shows up. He’s Baker Mayfield without the chip on his shoulder. Someone needs to piss in Quinn’s cheerios just to see if he gives a shit.
  20. Come to Texas, secure the bag, become a celebrity, and maybe play a little football when you feel like it. Our culture as an entire program, from the University to the fans, is the problem.
  21. That was some Thunder Thump Alligator Roll era bullshit tackling.
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