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Everything posted by mininghorn88

  1. I have nothing more to offer above the sage advice expressed so far besides that God answers prayers. Will be praying for your daughter and all involved.
  2. I had to do this a few years ago. I was diagnosed with SVT. My heart will race 7 or 8 times a year on average. If I stay hydrated that seems to keep it under control for me. Once it does start to race I know how to bring it back under control. I am also on meds to keep it under control too. An ablation is an option but have opted to stick with meds for now.
  3. Haven't had a big toe fusion but I hurt my big toe in high school and developed a bone spur on it. The removal of the bone spur resulted in limited movement of my big toe. The limited movement affects my balance with certain movements (lunges) and even hurts when I do push ups because of forcing it to bend more than it wants to. Don't get me started about weather changes. It hasn't stopped me from playing full-court basketball 3 days a week for the last 30+ years or hiking (which I do a lot of). I am very active but it lets me know from time to time that it is not the same. Getting old sucks.
  4. From my business trip location of Silver City, NM... FIGHT!!!!
  5. Napkin dispensers that are packed with too many napkins that you end up tearing them into tiny pieces as you try to get one out.
  6. I am posting this here and not in the Parking Douchebaggery thread because technically the red Honda is parked properly between the stripes but could have moved closer to the curb to allow more room on the passenger side. That is my truck barely visible to the right. I typically try to park far away from any one else to avoid situations like this but this was at a doctor's office and parking was limited. Fortunately I did not notice a ding on my door. Now the Ford truck to the left is clearly improperly parked.
  7. Let us pivot and put that in the parking lot for now. Besides, it does not affect my PNL.
  8. Your avatar look is my typical response.
  9. People who, after taking their first site or field visit away from the office, suddenly become experts on how things are done.
  10. Speaking of escalators, I can't stand people who just ride it all the way up or down without even moving. Take some steps you lazy fucks This right here. I am frequently flying through the ATL airport. I am constantly saying "excuse me" as I go up and down thier long escalators and passing people. I try to avoid the train in order to get my exercise.
  11. True, but I am a sucker for WW2 and old period movies.
  12. Adding to RPM's list: Northwest Passage- A colonial era movie about upstate NY and Roger's Rangers Plymouth Adventure- A movie about the Mayflower and the Pilgrims 30 Seconds Over Tokyo- WW2 flick about Doolittle's Raid on Japan early in the war There are many more. He is good in all of his movies.
  13. "We'll always have Paris". Err, sorry, "We'll always have OU." - Bogart
  14. I know a guy that collects aggy “militaria”. He might be interested or at least may can give some type of value to it. Is there provenance to the ID? That typically brings a bit more premium.
  15. I am assuming that you know your limits with this....ooops, too late.
  16. I saw one the other day while visiting my daughter in Leander. Absolutely hate how the front end looks.
  17. This recent discussion needs to cease. Do not want the internet overlords to pounce. Plus it is a strange topic.
  18. There is a yield sign near my house going into a right hand turn with a clear field of view to the left. At least 75% of the folks turning right treat the yield sign as a stop sign.
  19. I came across two this weekend. The first one. My truck is to the left so I know that there was no need for her to park like that. The second pic...the license plate says it all.
  20. I briefly caught some of the HOF ceremonies today. It looked like Berman was doing all of the intros. I thought in years past that the players had someone special to them introduce them? Or did I miss something?
  21. I have a lot of "older" recipes that, when they were written, you could get the ingredients in the amounts noted. However, over time the packaging sizing has changed thus creating an issue.
  22. The first shingles shot kicked my butt. The follow-up shot...no big deal.
  23. Vengeance starring BJ Novak with Ashton Kutcher. It is a dark comedy with a state of the current time message. It has several laugh out loud moments. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  24. The BMW did a pull through park. Could have easliy parked again the curb on the LH side providing plenty of space on the RH side to guard against door dings. But opted to take up 2 spaces instead.
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