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Everything posted by mininghorn88

  1. There are some lazy mofos in this world. Just look at all of the people that ride scooters around grocery stores, etc. that magically get up and walk to their cars in the lot. Or people that cannot walk an extra 50 feet to put their carts in the cart corral.
  2. mininghorn88


    How long does Sutab stay in your system??!!! It has been almost a week now since I had my procedure and I am still having some lingering effects. I am afraid that I will end up making a posting in the Shart 2022 thread.
  3. Crap like this infuriates me to no end. My motto, and my kids know this well, is “it is better to be an hour early than a minute late”. When my daughter (no pics) graduated from UT in 2014 there were about 10 or so of us that went to the general ceremony (the McRaven speech ceremony) in front of the Main Building. The amount of people that they would let in was limited. Being that I was the only UT grad among the lot everyone looked to me for advice. Not having gone before and wanting to ensure that we all got in I declared what time “I WAS GETTING THERE” to make sure that I saw it. Repeatedly I was asked if we were leaving too early. I repeatedly told them to do what they want but this is what I am doing.
  4. Back home from the morning in the office. Starting the weekend early! TEXAS!!!
  5. Prepping for colonoscopy. A shitty day.
  6. mininghorn88


    I received an “all clear”! I do not have to go back for 10 years. The anesthesia sets in quick. I was in the middle of a conversation with the nurse when I felt it coming on. I told her that I was going to shut up before I said something stupid. That is the last that I remember before waking up in recovery perfectly normal.
  7. mininghorn88


    Having my first ever colonoscopy at the age of 56 this Tuesday (18th) at 7:20am. This thread has been a source of laughter and inspiration to get it done despite of having good intentions of sending in a Colonguard sample for the last 3 years. I do not expect anything negative just wanting to get it done. I begin my fast Monday (17th) morning. I am to take 4 Dulcolax tablets at 2:00pm followed by the first dose of Sutab at 8:00pm and the second dose at 11:00pm. Going to be an interesting day and evening on Monday!
  8. A few years ago, the company that I work for, was developing a piece of equipment for BNSF for use in their railyards. As a member of the development team I had the opportunity to travel to BNSF's corporate offices in Ft. Worth. Throughout their facility they have original artwork (mostly paintings) worth millions promoting rail travel through the Southwest. Many of the paintings were made into travel posters and were used through the 1950's. It was really cool to see and to reflect on the nostalgic and romantic time of rail travel to fascinating places with awesome landscapes prior to the popularity of air travel. Your images, particularly those taken in NM, reminds me of the visit and captures the feel of the travel in times past.
  9. Enjoying the cool morning and working from home today in the 75650. TEXAS!!!
  10. In my younger days my father described someone that was very ill and had become feeble and had lost a lot of weight. In his description he said that the person's head had shrunk into his shoulders. In my young mind I was trying to envision how someone could look like and retract their head like a turtle. This guy did not exist at the time.
  11. At an early age I was confused that when we drove while it was raining that we were always driving "into" the rain but when we would stop then there were times when the rain would be blowing in a different direction.
  12. Working from home today in the 75650 trying to decide how productive i want to be today. One thing has been decided already...OU SUCKS!!!!!!! FIGHT!!!!!
  13. From my home office in the 75650. Prepping my mind for a presumed anxious 3 hour game watch tomorrow with an ultimate win. TEXAS!!
  14. I am a Longhorn lifer. We were bad the entire time that I was a student on the 40 Acres (1984 thru 1988) and we were not so good during my daughter's time at UT (2010 thru 2014). I have not read the previous posts aside from the one (@Ignatius) just above mine when I started to write this. My thoughts are very similar to his. I am sure that in the previous 5 pages there is a lot of well made arguments for and against. Like many of you I question offensive playcalling at times as well as defensive strategy. I wonder why the paid coaches cannot "see" what we are all seeing and witnessing on TV or in person at the game. We all have the solutions so why cannot the professional coaches see this? That, I do not know. Is it frustrating? Yes. After each disappointing loss I watch the scores scroll across the screen in hopes that it is all wrong and that we did win. After the game last night I was exchanging text with my kids. I wrote to them that I just want us to return to prominence again before aggy gets there for the first time in modern history. My biological clock is ticking! My daughter assured me that I have at least another good 40 years of iife left. So, according to her, I will live to at least 96 years old! So, putting time and age in perspective I am sure that I will be dissappointed way more than I will be happy with Texas football. But, I am a Longhorn fan through it all. Win or lose. I will continue to watch them each and every week in hopes that I will be watching the game where the Horns finally turn the corner and I will be along for a then glorious ride and will revel in every second of winning. So until then I will continue to wear my Texas gear, watch the Horns, a cheer my Horns to victory. I proud Longhorn. Hookem.
  15. I will be in Tucson on Monday for business. Will stop by to say "Hookem".
  16. Narrator: It is a losing battle. A valiant, but winless, battle. Godspeed young man...eer...old man.
  17. SIAP. What does a “walk through” mean in this context?
  18. A good friend of mine played baseball at ASU, was their ace, and made it to the CWS. So this kind of hits close to home. Plus I was in Tucson last week.
  19. Last week I was in Silver City, NM on business. Decided to drive to White Sands National Park on Sunday to do some hiking. It is about a 2-1/2 hour or so drive. Got up early Sunday and had a bit of breakfast. Before I left on the drive I took care of business. I had no problem whatsoever until I am about 5 minutes from the Park. As I am pulling into the parking lot at the visitor's center I am starting to crown. By the time I get into the bathroom I have a slight breach. Finally get on the toilet and my insides come out. Cleaned up the best that I could and went into the gift shop to have a look around. About 30 minutes later I am at the trailhead to Alkali Flat Trail. It is a 5 mile loop trail through the dunes. As I am about to head off I have another rumbling in my stomach. Fortunately there is a restroom at the trailhead so I spend another few minutes in there letting out what is left of nothing in my system. Surely there is nothing left and I have come too far to abort the mission now. Besides, my stomach does not hurt at all. I finally get onto the trail and I am about 2 miles in when it hits again. So I turn around and clinch my butt and hike back out and drive back to the visitor's center to leave one last present before aborting the mission of hiking Alkali Flat Trail and brokenly drive back to Silver City. As I am leaving the toilet at the park I heavily line my now stained underwear with about 20 feet of toilet paper. By the time that I reach Las Cruces the urge has hit again. I find the first toilet that I can at a crowded convenience store. The bathroom is a one-holer and there is not lock on the door to keep people from walking in on me. I make an executive decision to drive to another store nearby. I make it OK bouyed by the extra toilet paper stuffed in my underwear. I leave Las Cruces and make it to the Loves Truckstop just west of town. I pull into Loves and rush to the toilet. Get in there and realize that there is no toilet paper. Step back out of the stall and grab a roll of the rough brown paper from the hand dry dispenser. Too bad if the toilet gets stopped up with the heavy paper. They should have the real paper available. I finish what is left of my business, stuff my shorts with a ton of brown paper to the point that it looks like I am wearing a diaper and fortunately make it all the way back to Silver City. The underwear and the remaining paper end up in the trash nicely sealed up in a plastic bag.
  20. mininghorn88


    I am due to have my first one on October 18. Was going to go the Cologuard route but never got around to it. Finally told my doc at my recent general check up to go ahead and sign me up. I guess the two Cologuard kits that I have received in the mail will become White Elephant Gifts.
  21. I take a daily dose of Lisinopril 10mg and Metoprolol 25mg.
  22. From the corporate office in Milwaukee. Headed back to Texas tomorrow. FIGHT!!!!
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