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Everything posted by mininghorn88

  1. This right here. I find myself doing a lot more FLRA's (Field Level Risk Assessments) now before I start to do even the most basic of things.
  2. Just another reason to only drive a truck.
  3. The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men...
  4. Sounds like you have a real dog. I would take it over any specialty breed any day of the week.
  5. Often times we judge ourselves by our intentions. Unfortunately.
  6. I finally cracked today regarding this. As usual, the hostess announced that she was going to wait a couple of more minutes before starting the meeting to allow everyone to log on. I told her that she should just set the meeting time to 9:02am so that everyone will be on time. She awkwardly stated that people get busy and they need the time. I then asked her if their time was more valuable than the time of the people that logged in on time. I just got a nervous laugh in response along with a couple of stammering incomplete sentences.
  7. Just how much poor health are you in to have to get needed surgery out of the way quickly? Sounds like this is a frequent thing for you.
  8. Restuarants that stack all of the food in the middle of the plate. A month or so ago I went to a nicer restuarant that I was told did a top notch chicken fried steak. The chicken fried steak was served on a bed of mashed potatoes and was covered in white gravy and was topped off with grilled asparagus. The problem with this was that the crunchy batter around the steak was all soggy so I could not enjoy the crunchiness of biting into a chicken fried steak. The next time I went I ordered the chicken fried steak but instructed them that I wanted the steak and the potatoes to NOT be stacked and that I wanted the gravy in a bowl. They told me that the kitchen was working on their "presentation" and that others had mentioned not stacking everything too.
  9. It never ceases to amaze me that there are such dumbasses and assholes in the world like your SIL. My thought process is so foreign to these types that I actually enjoy listening (or reading) about the absurdity of it all.
  10. Plastic lids that do not properly fit onto “to go” cups. They either pop off when lifting and trying to drink or the cup collapses when trying to press it on. Not a fan.
  11. Yes, I can confirm that. I recently visited Theodore Roosevelt National Park and drove over much of western North Dakota.
  12. I am a fairly consistent waver. My son and I were driving somewhere once when he was still fairly young and I waved to someone in passing. He asked who it was. I told him that I did not know. He then asked why I waved at them. Just told him that I was being friendly and it was a country thing to do that did not require much effort.
  13. I have missed 3 days of work due to illness in 33 years. Picked up strep throat on a trip to China and was sick upon my return and then got ill after a trip to Mongolia. Now finding some wood to knock on. 0 days out of 40 is crazy. But they is how those guys did it.
  14. I thought increased bitching about certain things was part of the aging process.
  15. Surely wasn't expecting that. Nicely done.
  16. Apples and oranges here. You would be the buffer here between your brothers. Understood. Your brothers are cool. Your wife is not being the buffer here. Your SIL is not cool. Rip the leach off or otherwise the parasite will suck you dry.
  17. Grease....there, I said it. Olivia Newton John.
  18. Using simple math (55 players x 32 teams) I wonder how this compares to other companies/employers with similar amount of employees?
  19. This past Thursday I returned from a 2 week road trip traveling through the Dakotas. My orgin was NE Texas. I left on a Saturday and stopped in Hatings, NE. On Sunday, June 5th, I had made my way into southern North Dakota. I was traveling on a FM road and was passing an 18-wheeler. As I am passing the 18-wheeler it sounds like it was engaging the engine brakes. I think to myself, "Great, he is slowing down to let me pass". After I passed him I continued to hear the sound. Odd. Now I am thinking that something is wrong with my truck. Quickly check all of the gauges, I do not feel an vibration nor loss of power. The sound is coming from the right front of my truck. All of a sudden I see my bug deflector on the front of my hood flapping around. About 18" of it had worked itself loose from the double-sided tape. So I pull over and have to pry the bug deflector off of my truck in the rain and in the middle of BFE. On June 7th, while still on the trip, someone opens their door and puts a 2" deep, dark scratch, on my passenger side door. My truck is white so it is really noticeable. On June 14th, while still on the trip, I pull over on the side of the road to take a business call. WHile on the shoulder a series of vehicles pass by. One of them throws up a rock and takes out my rear window. On a positive note; Theodore Roosevelt NP is awesome. As is the Badlands NP, the Black Hills and Custer State Park. I managed to avoid softball sized hail while I was up there too.
  20. Glad you asked. I thought it was an incomplete post!
  21. We have a bi-weekly production meeting that starts 9:00am every time. There are about 20 or so attendees. The host(ess) always logs on about 15 minutes early. Once 9:00am hits she always says “ let’s give it a couple of more minutes to see if anyone else is going to log on”. This infuriates me to no end. Last Wednesday I set up a different meeting (separate subject; one time event) at 10:00am with basically the same group of folks. 10:00 sharp rolls around and I start the meeting. She cuts in and asks “Aren’t you going to wait a minute to see if anyone else is going to log on?” My response was “No. If I wanted the meeting to start at 10:01 or 10:02 I would have said so in the meeting invitation. They will just have to catch up later on their own time.” Her response was a feeble “Oh, ok”.
  22. Today is the D-Day anniversary. Made me think of what these men jumped into and so many others hitting the beach. It always gets me in the feels.
  23. Dang near every flight I take someone is bound to sit in the wrong seat. And, it is not me.
  24. I see parking like this all of the time at our local supermarket. It infuriates me. It is not poor parking it is just a bunch of lazy MFers that don’t want to take an extra step.
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