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Everything posted by mininghorn88

  1. Duvernay would be my first selection should I make up an All-Star Team of UT players that were outstanding players that played on mediocre or under-performing teams.
  2. When did he ever stop? I thought being an aggy was like having herpes, once you have it you have it for life? Not that I would personally know of course.
  3. He has actually entered the Transfer Portal but his movement is so slow it is hard to discern movement with the naked eye.
  4. I was about to post this too. Context...it means something, Randolph.
  5. I was at that game as a student. Was watching the rerun of it and was disappointed that that play was not shown too. Plus I like to see who all I might recognize in the stands from bygone days.
  6. I am too old (53) to be really concerned about what aggy says or does but I do find it more and more aggravating with the total BS that they seem to effortlessly produce each and every day. I want to not care but...it is hard not to particularly when they talk negatively about my alma mater.
  7. At least they are all FBS schools. Zero FCS schools.
  8. I actually saw the OL taking a knee during pass plays. Seriously this should become a skills competition. i enjoy watching the combine. This should become a Team event where strength, agility, speed, and endurance is part of the competition doing an assortment of competitive events.
  9. So, would they be paired up with All-Pro Cheerleaders? Might just watch that then.
  10. I prefer the Battle of the Network Stars format.
  11. So, when did the Pro Bowl become a glorified touch football game? This is the first year in a while that actually watched some of it. I certainly would not pay to watch it live.
  12. Alex, I will take, “things you learn on Surly, for $500 please’.
  13. Just for this I am hoping for an unsuspected torrential rainstorm, dust storm, or a plague of locusts to descend upon the festivities. The NFL is getting too cute. I can just hear the marketing folks playing this up and using the latest buzzwords to get this across the line. I see the point in having it in Vegas to get the excitement coming for the upcoming season in Vegas. Makes you worry on what they will do once the season gets here. Will the latest house magician make the team suddenly appear out of thin air? Tumble in like Cirque Soliel acrobats? Maybe heralded in with topless showgirls?
  14. This plus the dislike of the smock.
  15. Men’s or women’s soccer team? If women’s I am sure scissoring was involved.
  16. Will be there with a group of about 15 or so. Will be hanging out inside the Sunset Station before kickoff. Been going to the Alamo Bowl for years now. Glad to see the Horns there.
  17. I would then have him come out, take a snap and catch knee and then walk off the field.
  18. Of course there is an "investigation" because the liberal public demands it. Otherwise....no.
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