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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TwiceHorn

  1. A common theme among fundagelicals is congregationalism. Meaning in this application that the individual congregation manages its own affairs, including deciding its own theology. Although certainly not infallible, those denominations with a more episcopal polity, that is, a hierarchy of governance, tend to be less extreme and more nuanced in their deeper beliefs and the hierarchy tends to exert a moderating influence. Congregationalism seems to be the most direct path to fundamentalist extremism in all the worlds religions. Judaism being a somewhat notable exception, probably given their strong tendency toward academicism among clergy and even lay members.
  2. The catlick common gooders, too. They might need a little reminder that took 150 years to elect a papist president. The mackerel snappers and the ratfuck babtis gonna be at each other's throats before we know it. /ht Stephen King
  3. Hell of a ninth from Dre. Never a doubt.
  4. Joe Bob Briggs. Aka John Bloom, native Texan for what that's worth anymore.
  5. Flare gun fu. Twist and shout check it out.
  6. It is a massively complex plot that isn't really exposed linearly. Might take a couple of re-watches to fully absorb. But some power acting from a stellar cast.
  7. Belyeu is a dude. Offense is exhibiting non-fail.
  8. Exactly what I am talking about. One of our better pitchers just walks in the tying run. What the fucking fuck. We have one of the better hitting lineups we've had but they go silent when it matters. Pitchers have eaten some good innings, but never when it really seems to count.
  9. This team is so full of fail. I don't recall a Texas team like it.
  10. I suppose, but it will probably let other shareholders sue the shit out of them and if he tries to sell a significant number of shares in a short period, well the share price is going in the shittter.
  11. Texas Medicaid covers only skilled nursing, not assisted living or memory care. About the only thing one can do with Medicaid beyond skilled nursing is jimmy up a home health care plan that probably won't cover 24/7,but would give family caretakers the ability to work and have some breaks.
  12. There is some notion, evidenced by Texas rules, of limiting a supersedeas bond to some fraction of the defendants worth. We love to look at this as preliminary punishment for Trump, but that's not what it is. It is primarily there to protect the plaintiff pending appeal. And, truth be told, half protection is actually better than leaving collection to execution. Execution may be fun to watch, but for getting even fiddy cent on the dollar of judgment, it's not much fun for the plaintiff. And if the judgment gets reduced, it may be dollar for dollar. Also I don't think this necessarily foreshadows a reduction of the judgment. The court of appeals probably knows less about the judgment of the trial court than we do at this point.
  13. Knight and K are or were intense. Knight let his intensity get the better of him on several occasions. But they had the capability, demonstrated, to be good sports to their opponents and the press although both could be quite surly. Mulkey never lets up as far as I can tell.
  14. Hahaha yeah, long ago, I looked forward to OS updates on devices and app updates. Now they come with a sense of dread.
  15. What is kinda interesting is that what seemed to be a rather unique phenomenon relating to internet provided services or products is really just a near universal expression of entropy or something similar.
  16. Her sportsmanship, or complete lack of it, is astounding and virtually unparalleled in the world of sports. She never has a good word for an opposing coach or player. She's a sore loser and doesn't hide it. She’s arrogant and rude to opponents, officials, the press, and everyone in sight and defends the indefensiible from her players, who are generally dirty.
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