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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. I think the 22 starters we rolled out against Bama were as good as just about anyone in the country. Now we've got some injuries and some guys that are just beat up like you'd expect to have mid-season, and the guys behind them either aren't very good or they're young and green. One of the things I think Sark has done very well is manage out a bunch of dead wood from the roster. Something he hasn't done well is put teams away early so some of that young talent can get some low cost playing time.
  2. Switch Houston to Port A or South Padre, and that's pretty much my plan.
  3. Even if they know it's the right thing to do and want to do it, they'll have to watch their 6 for the next few years at least.
  4. Because if they can put people to work building shit and pay them a living wage, they aren't plotting the overthrow of the government.
  5. I work in tech and it's the same for me. Not only that, but I'm on a global team and we use WhatsApp to text back and forth. I get a bunch of random texts from "women" with attractive Asian avatars. Sometimes they play the wrong number game "Hey John, are we still on for 2:00 Thursday? I have the deliverable we discussed". Hoping you'll respond with a "Hey, I think you have the wrong number" or something so they can get you to engage. Sometimes it's just a "Hey, how are you". It could just be random catfishing, but it's weird that it's always Asian women, and only happens on my work account.
  6. That's an interesting way to tell people you flunked out of UT
  7. Having that dude stare you down from the mound would be terrifying
  8. “Good afternoon, sir! My name is Jim and this is my associate Matt. We were in the neighborhood today helping some of your neighbors save money on their electric bill by installing solar. Have you considered making the switch? I’d hate to see you miss out on this limited time opportunity.”
  9. Do the ATACMS bomblets have the same tungsten BBs as the M30A1 HIMARS rounds? Because Jesus fucking Christ if so.
  10. Never, because 100+ of them would get primaried and lose their seat to a more extreme MAGAt. There'd probably be more than one attempted assassination before 2024 as well.
  11. Time to start talking very publicly about selling Taiwan F35s
  12. "Yes I was at the party, but I didn't participate in or know about the rape" What they were actually doing:
  13. All the girls at Rick’s are going to med school
  14. Let's be honest, Speaker Jim Jordan would mean that Biden and Harris protection details would have to double in size. They'd probably need to hire food tasters, too.
  15. Colin Jost as Don Jr Mikey Day as Hunter Biden Michael Che as the interventionist that Kimberly won't stop hitting on Guest host Caitlyn Jenner as Kimberly (because there's a resemblance and because it would make MAGA heads explode)
  16. Nihilist and/or amoral opportunist willing to do whatever it takes to force his disgusting world view on others? My whole argument is around his statement that "coalition government is unforgivable", when a guy with his education 100% knows this is how government is supposed to work. The fact that he's fighting tooth and nail against it is one of the things I find so despicable about him. I also should have added the qualifier "Chip Roy is rocketing up my list of most hated TEXAS republicans"
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