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Everything posted by washparkhorn

  1. Cool. They got in on the March 2020 dip and rode the Fed free money. People were panicky in March 2020. “Follow the Fed”apparently worked for many. Maybe too many (inflation). I assume you and your parents smile when they see that chart. Congrats to them. Well done.
  2. The Fed’s job now - slow down an economy without crashing that fragile overheated economy. Their QE purchases are down to leas than half of what they were a few months ago and will end in March (two years of QE). They are planning on four rate hikes this year. I do think some of this volatility is a taper tantrum. 120 billion a month in QE left some sectors well supported. More speculative risks and those that run on dovish Fed policy should take a hit (and probably have already). While the Fed were brrrting QE at 120 billion a month, the markets were easier to read (as demonstrated on this thread). I think we are left with a situation where the Fed Put will be left in the Fed’s toolbox until there is a much larger crisis. I am uncertain how worried the markets are about the status of the Fed Put. That was/is a lot of QE doled out.
  3. No question about that. The Creature from Jekyll Island was to designed to protect International Capital (and International Capital has demands the Fed must meet or lose the USD as the primary world’s reserve currency).
  4. Doveish announcement and hawkish press conference. I need a drink.
  5. FYI - the right - especially in this trump age - is tied at the hip to the white identity and the Christian Identity movements.
  6. These fucks think Liz Cheney is a “librul”.
  7. For the gqper’s - the US is not planning to invade Russia. Tucked is making that up. Seriously - he’s just using that as hyperbole and hyperbole is just made-up shit. /end of public service announcements
  8. Facts. Is there opportunity for growth? Improbable.
  9. Joe Rogaine is brighter than Canadian Jordan Peterson. And Joe ain’t that bright unless he is stoned and occasionally stumbles on a vein of wisdom. I am serious about Peterson. He’s got the grift down to a science. And did I mention he is Canadian?
  10. Tucker is not this stupid. He knows the US geopolitical downsides to Russia taking Ukraine. He’s doing this dumb blonde act for money. (It’s all about the Benjamin’s, baby). The simpletons gorge themselves on this type of content.
  11. The Fed issues it’s monetary policy decision tomorrow. I am expecting the Fed to announce “Whip Inflation Now.” And hoping their fight against inflation is already priced in.
  12. The bootstrap cure-all ignores the biological manifestations of poverty. https://yaledistilled.sites.yale.edu/browse-issues/2020-issue/biology-poverty-trap-how-genetic-modifications-perpetuate-socioeconomic
  13. Our diplomats in action - Added bonus - “don’t show the tail number” (tail number centered in press angle). Ukraine is fucked.
  14. Neo-Nazi Singer says bold my beer bottle:
  15. What are your concerns - specifically and with sources please.
  16. The Covid rescue subsidies est. March 2020 are dwindling. The rest of the giveaway programs from the Fed to the markets persist from pre-Covid days.
  17. Rat fucking sounds like Pagan performance art. I blame Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom and their wrestling with animals in the dirt and mud. AI will need to delete that programming to prevent the development of hippies and goat-ropers.
  18. To be a fly on that wall. Good luck. Could be a coverage (health insurance) issue.
  19. The Fed turned off the $120 billion a month subsidy to the markets (in place since March 2020) and intends to raise rates several times this year to combat inflation (which hurts tech that relies on cheap financing). Chairman Powell (Repub) has turned hawkish. I guess we could blame Biden for renominating Powell as the Fed Chair, but the nation made it clear they are scared of inflation. This is the inflation medicine - Paul Volcker style.
  20. The markets are falling because the Fed is no longer pumping $120 billion a month into markets and will raise rates this year - in order to combat inflation. The Fed has turned hawkish and that is deflating some bubbles. TLDR: Brrrt has silenced.
  21. The end of the Fed’s $120 billion a month subsidy to the markets and promise to raise rates rapidly this year (all to combat inflation) is drying up excess liquidity for Tech and crypto. The Fed is using its inflation tools.
  22. You are not this stupid. I refuse to believe it.
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