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Everything posted by Mapache

  1. THE US President is widely expected to green-light revenge attacks on the President Bashar Assad regime in the coming days supported by Britain and France. AN US aircraft carrier is on its way and a guided missile destroyer is reportedly lurking off the coast of Syria amid calls for revenge for Assad's poison gas attack. It comes as Donald Trump renewed his vow to decide on his military response to the outrage which left scores dead “probably by the end of today". Meanwhile USS Harry Truman aircraft carrier strike group was on its way to the Syrian coast armed with cruise missiles and an array of warplanes. Yet it emerged today Russia has started jamming US military drones operating over Syria seriously affecting America's ability to strike targets. Read more: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6019299/uss-harry-s-truman-missiles-deployed-mediterranean-syria/
  2. BREAKING: Sarah Sanders says the White House has been advised that the president has the authority to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller. https://twitter.com/AliVelshi/status/983780451616743425 Wrong again Hunkabeef
  3. 'I've never seen him like this before': White House sources say Cohen raid ignited Trump's 'untethered' rage President Donald Trump is having an outright meltdown in the West Wing of the White House in real time and sources told Axios' Mike Allen he's losing it. Friends and close associates to the president told Allen that Trump and his allies are acting out a full cataclysm in real time. When speaking to the press and on Twitter Monday, Trump claimed that the country was under attack. However, the reality is that he personally is under attack for legal problems. Like a rogue box of lighted fireworks, Trump is reportedly going off in every direction. "Mueller's investigation has been drip, drip," one source began. "This was a giant leap forward ... a personal hit. ... They were moving in inches. Today, they moved a mile." This also marks the first time Trump is having a crisis since his close advisor Hope Hicks has left the White House. Hicks was known for calming Trump down and keeping things ordered amid the chaos. In her absence, Americans witnessed the president dealing with his emotional collapse in real time. https://www.alternet.org/trump-trauma/ive-never-seen-him-white-house-sources-say-cohen-raid-ignited-trumps-untethered-rage
  4. https://www.thedailybeast.com/fbi-raid-on-michael-cohen-is-the-most-dangerous-day-of-donald-trumps-life?ref=home This is hilarious.... FBI Raid on Michael Cohen Is the Most Dangerous Day of Donald Trump’s Life The president’s low-rent Ray Donovan can bully porn stars but not Robert Mueller. The shtick is up. Rick Wilson 04.10.18 5:02 AM ET snip// The image of Michael Cohen as a super lawyer was always laughable, and even the Trump fan club recognized that Cohen was a particular flavor of attorney: The Fixer. His desire to cast himself as a real-life Ray Donovan made him a kind of overwrought, grunting thug character destined for the cutting-room floor in even the most lurid soap opera script. Cohen, though, should be understood as an almost perfect metaphor for the Trump era, the Trump White House, and everything else in orbiting this president like the hot chunks of waste spinning around the central oscillator at a sewage treatment plant. He truly brings it all: the shoddy, hair-trigger temperament, the indifferent education and understanding of the world outside of dalliance-cleanup duty and real estate branding deals, the malfeasance, the petty corruption, general shitheel behavior, the impulsivity, the tantrum-as-negotiation style, and the overall sketchiness of the Trump administration. Like Trump, his enablers, and supporters, Cohen thought his position as a Trump inner circle member would protect him indefinitely. He believed, after so many years of getting away with every kind of shenanigan at Trump’s behest, that the facts would never matter, the music would never stop, and the party would never end. Again, he’s a perfect metaphor for this administration. Then the FBI came knocking. Imagine that moment, when he realized that they were going to raid his office, home, and hotel room. It was one thing for Cohen to pay Stormy’s $135,000 hush money payment from his home equity loan. “Happens all the time!” “Common practice!” “Trump never even met her, I’m just really generous!” (For you Trump readers, that’s called sarcasm.) It’s quite another when the most experienced and determined federal prosecutors are giving you an investigative colonoscopy. If you think for one moment there’s nothing dodgy and damaging against Trump in the files of Cohen, think again. Suddenly, Michael Cohen, the bag-walking, dick-swinging swagger-monkey wannabe thug attorney and consigliere for Donald Trump’s far-flung penile enterprises is scared. If Cohen had a lump of coal in his ass the moment those search warrants arrived, he could have popped out a diamond. He realizes how deep this hole can become if he doesn’t roll over. He doesn’t have the resources to defend himself, and Trump isn’t exactly known for paying his bills in the first place. Cohen is scared, and he’s not alone. What has to strike absolute error into Trump at this moment is the fact that the Southern District of New York, acting on a referral from Robert Mueller, was able to obtain extraordinarily broad authority and was granted search warrants that may even penetrate attorney-client privilege.
  5. Steve Schmidt just compared DT and his org to a patient who comes to a doctor complaining of stomach pains. The doctor does some tests and then tells the patient -- sorry, I found cancer -- EVERYWHERE. That's what's Mueller is discovering in his investigation -- the cancer of corruption EVERYWHERE.
  6. The song that I recommend to folks who I want to turn on to the National
  7. Theme song from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid-"Raindrops keep falling on my head"
  8. I always dug this tune written by Burt.
  9. Fire at Trump Tower https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/982740582375272448 https://twitter.com/PeterThomasRoth/status/982743787154833409
  10. An oldie but goodie from the early 90's Austin
  11. I always go back to this tune, great song
  12. A neuroscientist explains what could be wrong with Trump supporters brains There’s no doubt that Donald Trump has said many things that would have been political suicide for any other Republican. And almost every time he made one of these shocking statements, political analysts on both the left and the right predicted that he’d lose supporters because of it. But as we have clearly seen over the past year, they were dead wrong every time. Trump appears to be almost totally bulletproof. The only thing that might be more perplexing than the psychology of Donald Trump is the psychology of his supporters. In their eyes, The Donald can do no wrong. Even Trump himself seems to be astonished by this phenomenon. “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK? It’s, like, incredible.” Senator John McCain, who has been a regular target for Trump, has a simple explanation for his unwavering support. “What he did was he fired up the crazies.” While the former Republican presidential nominee may be on to something, he doesn’t exactly provide a very satisfying scientific explanation. So how exactly are Trump loyalists psychologically or neurologically different from everyone else? What is going on in their brains that makes them so blindly devoted? The Dunning-Kruger Effect . . . Hypersensitivity to Threat . . . Terror Management Theory . . . High Attentional Engagement . . . https://www.rawstory.com/2018/04/neuroscientist-explains-wrong-trump-supporters-brains/
  13. What happened in January this year? "Trumponomics"- The Trump tax cuts went into effect - Trump began pushing protectionist tariffs Down 500 more today.....so far.
  14. Skip to 16:30......Trump began by referring to the White House as “this house or building or whatever you want to call it because there is no name for it, it is special.”
  15. I saw Jimmy Webb perform this song live and he said it was meant to be a protest against the Vietnam War https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfYJKpLX1xw
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