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Beer Drinker

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Beer Drinker

  1. You only need to win by 1. Or whatever our dipshit offensive genius fired last coach said. I think the guy is trying to say Sark won’t turtle.
  2. Lmao that Juwan Mitchell and Jordan Whittington think they get to name 40% of new coaching staff
  3. If CDC knew firing this clown would bring him back it woulda been done a long time ago
  4. Galloway just said we are about to find out how well Mack Brown has recruited due to all the opt-outs they have. Dude is clueless
  5. Didn’t think we could upgrade from Michelle, but god damn that’s a fine woman. Well done Sark
  6. I have heard the “Sam was injured and it hurt his throwing” for 4 years now. It reminds me of the “Aggy will only win 4 games if they are lucky this year” motto every offseason.
  7. And Princely volleyball spiked Jimbo in the face at a pool party too.
  8. I’m not trying to be clever talking about mayo regarding the Urban or bust thread either. I’m genuinely pissed that I have 10 off spec deviled eggs in my fridge. The dogs will be farting something fierce this week.
  9. Between Surly and AR15.com I was convinced that my lifelong go-to mayo Hellmans had been surpassed by Dukes. I tried it on a few sandwiches the last month and was kinda suspect about it. Then I made a batch of deviled eggs tonight with it and its fuckin garbage. Hellman’s dominates this fucking trendy millennial bullshit.
  10. Cheeeengow... a good flour tortilla, barbacoa, a fried egg on top, cilantro n onion, n some spicy green sauce. Damn
  11. I noticed he referred to Dicker as “Cameron” the other day in the press conference when asked about punting duties. That was the first press conference I have watched in a while so I don’t know when he quit his petty bullshit stance on that. What a fuckin slapdick.
  12. He's a bowl game winner. With multiple weeks to organize he typically does. Agree with bowl game theory, but Maryland? He had an entire offseason twice. Who the fuck knows with this clown.
  13. I was told by a good source at Dickinson that PJ is a better prospect than Donovan
  14. Charlie's 2017 linebacker class was gonna be epic too.
  15. I’m in the market for some type of robot camera to record the kid’s soccer games. I saw someone with a Solo Shot 3 this weekend and they had good but not great feelings about it. Has anybody here tinkered with any of them?
  16. As long as they are serving beer and the sorority girls are still wearing those sundresses and cowboy boots just keep going.
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