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Rockwell Torrey

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Rockwell Torrey

  1. You got that right! It has been a tough couple years.
  2. Does this mean Bama fires Saban? We’ll take him off their hands.
  3. Do we discuss Narwahl tusks there as well? Quickky reviewed thread and did not see it mentioned. Does anyone else find it odd somebody was carrying a Narwahl tusk with them? WTF? That is all kind of awesome. Where do I get one?
  4. Tebow’s teams had some bad ass, pipe swinging dudes that murdered people.
  5. Is the Independence Bowl in Shreveport with Beth Mowins calling the game an option? Because that would be great.
  6. That UH degree will look so much better on the resume than the one from UM.
  7. We did it, boys! We’re back!
  8. Wrong movie. That idea is already ‘Taken.’
  9. ESPN has to be crystal fucking clear with Baylor what that means. Careful what you ask for and what not.
  10. Actually, it is the open field hitting where they seem to really struggle.
  11. Who is the OU S&C coach? We should hire that guy.
  12. He is no Shawn Watson, but he did a decent job of shutting their offense down.
  13. When he arrived the cake was in good shape. Unfortunately, Charlie left it in the backseat of his car in the South Florida sun.
  14. So Georgia Southern needs to brace themselves for the heavy hand of the NCAA.
  15. I think that was in '86 and '87 when Westlake first went up to 5A. Football, Basketball...those were some long bus rides.
  16. Now this is funny. Texas A&M Corps of Cadets found guilty of 143 years of stolen valor https://www.duffelblog.com/2019/09/texas-am-corps-of-cadets-found-guilty-of-143-years-of-stolen-valor/?utm_source=Normal+Subscribers&utm_campaign=e5b73310f4-Duffel_Blog_Daily&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6d392bc034-e5b73310f4-23799241&goal=0_6d392bc034-e5b73310f4-23799241&mc_cid=e5b73310f4&mc_eid=8bd9ac752b
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