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Everything posted by TreatyOak

  1. This is really, really depressing because it's entirely correct.
  2. “Apparently, no one knows who made the offer, no one knows how many offers were made, nobody knows who signed which offer, and nobody knows who read or wrote those offers,” said Raymundo Arróyave, an engineering professor. “Frankly, we look incompetent.”
  3. The Rudder Association, which describes itself as a collection of Texas A&M students, former students, faculty and staff who are “dedicated Aggies committed to preserving and perpetuating the core values and unique spirit of Texas A&M,” also has acknowledged complaining to school administrators about McElroy’s hiring.
  4. Hahaha. If I told my younger daughter and her 20-something friends that I made this, she would kill me.
  5. The NCAA is actually a front for a shadowy global organization that is run by the Rothschilds, the Bilderberg Group and the Federal Reserve to form a cashless world government. They are purposely flooding the Western economies with cheap labor through the transfer portal. Only Aggys have the courage to stand up to them and speak the truth. Hence, Aggy is unfairly punished with fake, lower seedings and purposely hard schedules and biased refs. Wake up!!!!!!!
  6. Does breaking in new shoes that really cut into your heels count?
  7. Thanks for what you do. As someone who has to deal with parents in our district, I concur that there lots of crazy, entitled ones. The kids are fine.
  8. This thread needs help. You're welcome.
  9. You owe us reparations for posting this picture.
  10. I love it when you talk dirty to me.
  11. Who is that? What is happening here? I have no recollection whatsoever of that person.
  12. Very true and a great memory. That was the problem with Herman. As a writer for the NY Times once wrote in reference to the Jets, "Bad teams always provide false hope."
  13. I used to be a hopeful, positive poster, but Tom Herman and now Chris Beard have put me in a very dark place.
  14. Guessing they had to stay away from Burnt Orange for copyright issues. It def looks based off of Michael Jordan's logo.
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