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Everything posted by Kwix

  1. They couldn't find some bigger podiums for this?
  2. My back hurts just watching that shit
  3. I do like it when 1 hat looks worn and the other 2 have brims that look stiff as a board.
  4. Holy shit F Troop. Forgot that show even existed.
  5. Isn't that what Matt Lauer used to assault women in his office?
  6. So will it be enough to just remove the brace and throw it in a drawer, or will you get in trouble for even owning a brace that fits a pistol you own?
  7. 6 posts talking about aggie OL allegedly raping a bunch of people. 12 pages of Surly assholes arguing about the appropriate thread title to ridicule them while maintaining the exact right level of depravity appropriate for this site.
  8. He's going to be a senior next year. Don't need to go all the way back to high school.
  9. <doing the math in my head> could that be John Chiles son?
  10. I was guilty of this one back when I got my first car. Actually called my dad to come get me.
  11. Good thing they included his longitude and latitude. You know, in case we need to find him.
  12. I fucking hate group texts so much
  13. First, thank you for this little nugget. Best laugh I've had all week. This is not the scenario we are discussing.
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