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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by justhookit

  1. Cool story time - we’ve got the world record horse eye jack - https://igfa.org/igfa-world-records-search/?search_type=AnglerNameDetail&search_term_1=135678. Caught it on one of the Baker rigs. Not exactly a record I would ever shoot for but still cool. edit - that was back when we were running a few charters out of Port A. Our client caught it.
  2. Looks an awful lot like a jack crevalle but maybe it’s not. Those things are close to inedible. It’s definitely not a yellowtail, which are really good to eat, but something may be getting lost in the translation. Or, you’ve got Covid and just can’t taste anything.
  3. I’m on a vpn would that matter? Edit- ok I turned it off and it still doesn’t work so that’s not it
  4. 103 just switched so test Nope still same error and now I’m on 01
  5. Yo @immamaci’m trying to post more pics and vid’s with Burnt Ends but I keep getting this error message. 1 file would exceed the total allowed size of 1.778mb and was skipped.
  6. If I remember right you’ve fished with them before. Great boat. Great crew. We will try to fish at least one of the days y’all are out and we can bet a beer on the winner.
  7. Maybe I missed it but I haven’t seen any Longhorn fans butthurt. We are laughing at the Tech retards and I think this atmosphere is great for the sport and our team. Also, Blotto’s take is absurd. Beard leaves Texas in one of 2 ways - either he’s a tremendous success here and goes on to a better job or he fails and is kindly asked to leave like Shaka. Neither scenario results in a meltdown by our fan base.
  8. Once you are out of the airport it’s all good. I carry a photo of my vax card just in case but you won’t need it. You WILL need a mask to enter some places. Mostly stores. The bars/restaurants don’t really care here in Quepos so I assume Los Suenos is the same. Who are you fishing with?
  9. I guess it just doesn’t fit on a 200 foot super yacht. If you can get past that though you can charter it starting at 470,000 a week. https://www.fraseryachts.com/en/yacht-for-charter/formosa/?gclid=Cj0KCQiArt6PBhCoARIsAMF5wajOsM9BsmCrVEshxJInwSm-yMvV-7ADhs6fbPbaX4gTmQ8LulQtW0EaAozoEALw_wcB
  10. I’ve got more but surly isn’t letting me upload more right now. I’ve even got a few for you blowboaters @Sbbruin @G650
  11. He wasn’t the best angler we’ve ever had but still managed to catch a blue marlin, 14 sails, and a boatload of dorado. May have to leave him in CR.
  12. Oh they were there. Forgot I had my phone on me until it was almost time to go. I’ll do a better job next time.
  13. I mean I was in LA with him for this game and he still brings it up. Dude knows his sports. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Right USC? <a href="https://t.co/XLrOaZ0IIr">https://t.co/XLrOaZ0IIr</a></p>&mdash; Bob Ballou (@BobBallouSports) <a href="https://twitter.com/BobBallouSports/status/1485095570775904256?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 23, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  14. The local sports guys get a lot of shit here on Surly, deservedly. But if y’all aren’t fans of Bob y’all are missing out. He’s a Mizzou grad but both parents are Texas grads and he was raised a Longhorn and is a huge, huge fan. His personality would also fit very well on Surly.
  15. I was at both of those in person and also at the Final 4 in New Orleans the week after San Antonio but the Rose Bowl was the pinnacle and it’s not real close. I say that as a bigger basketball fan than football fan and as the son of a Texas basketball player. He played in the 60’s and was at all the above games with me and he would even agree.
  16. I think we are going to do some downtime tomorrow at the marina and then watch the basketball game at the sports bar here in the marina. I’ll try to get some good boat pron pictures.
  17. Fished the other day it’s a little slow we caught 5 sails and 4 dorado. Raised 2 blue marlin that wouldn’t eat and a bunch more sails. Hit the beach today at Playa Biesanz. Good day.
  18. Not too bad. About 30 bucks per foot per month.
  19. It’s just an upload from a video I took on my iPad to surlyhorns so pretty sure you wouldn’t need to download anything. I don’t know. Pura Vida.
  20. Yeah as long as you don’t mind us having a few beers. Don’t worry my captain doesn’t drink. I’ll send you my contact info.
  21. Also as far as packing you don’t need any clothes besides shorts and t-shirts. It’s muy caliente here. Bring hats and lots of sunscreen. The sun is way stronger than in the United States.
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