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Everything posted by Hermanator

  1. If he just puts Parsons back to linebacker who situationally rushes it's already an upgrade. I couldn't believe DQ kept him at DE full time for a 2nd straight year after watching him get worn down by week 12 the season before.
  2. In the early 2000s I was dating a girl from West Texas and her grandfather point blank asked me if I was a Knigga lover. Social media just amplified the racism but it's always been there in droves.
  3. Bullshit. Sirois and Danny are better than anything in the ticket. Including the musers. Honestly the only talk local to DFW worth listening to anymore.
  4. Now that's a Knigga I could get behind
  5. I can't imagine Red isn't playing elsewhere next season
  6. Another rich asshole stealing money from the government getting no jail time? My shock cannot be contained.
  7. Yeah, in henry's scenario the regular laws and regulations are still in effect and followed. The problem will be the maga trumpers at the top will brazen disregard the laws. It'll be up to the subordinates to stand up and say no. Then the chances are they'll get replaced by someone who will say yes. All it takes is whatever maga attorney general is chosen to fill the DOJ with magas and find maga field agents to arrest Biden and whomever else they want to stage a kangaroo court trial in front of a trump appointed judge. This happens every single time a country breaks down into authoritarian dictatorship and all it takes is enough people saying "fuck the laws we'll do what we want. Who's gonna stop us?" Then it's a full on coup. We already had the first stage of it three years ago. The path is there for making it successful the next time. People like Henry want to believe our democracy is on such a rock solid foundation it cannot be compromised completely. Human history does not show that to be the case.
  8. Not the next day but if he wins he won't have guys like Mattis, Tillerson, or Kelly to babysit his dumb ass and keep the country relatively stable even with an empty headed president. He's already said he made a big mistake appointing old school republicans last time. It'll be only maga scum lunatics like Attorney General MTG, Chief of Staff Boebert, and Secretary of Defense Gaetz. Those pieces of shit will be there only to do Trump's bidding no matter how corrupt or insane. They will 100 percent go after Biden and Democrats who have opposed them. The fate of the country will be up to people refusing orders from the president and his staff, and we've seen how spineless people became last time with less at stake.
  9. No, we've already had that in the family. Not directly involving me or the wife/kids but her grandparents and various extended family. My girls have seen first hand how previously good relationships with family have turned ugly. Now they're wondering just how ugly things can get. Although I think the risk is relatively low for high levels of civil unrest we are in a situation that has never happened before in human history. The dominant military world power in the technological age of social media and AI being torn apart from within by propaganda and hatred. You have to think if left unchecked there has to be a tipping point to large scale violence. No one knows what that point will be.
  10. That looks terrible, especially the egg. Sucks. The Roscoe was the 1 or 2 times a year I get the taco of the month.
  11. Damn Colorado. This is why you never go full Deion.
  12. This is a question I was asked today by my oldest daughter. I thought about it and honestly I couldn't honestly tell her it's low. Trump knows if he loses this election he's going to prison for the rest of his life. Biden knows if he loses the election and trump successfully weaponizes the DOJ and seizes absolute power then Biden is getting persecuted by Trump's gestapo. Both sides have their lives on the line this November and the American people will be more charged than any time since the 1800s against each other. My question for this thread is what happens if Trump takes power this year? What will you be doing this year to prepare for the possibility of blood shed ahead of the election and in the aftermath of it?
  13. If they ever say anything interesting about their exit from the ticket on the public episodes can y'all link it here? I wouldn't mind listening to that just not interested in anything else anymore.
  14. CJ is just inexperienced. Gerry has been doing this stuff and interviews for so long he's polished. Knows what not to say and how to say what he says. CJ may never get that polished but he'll get more polished with experience
  15. This season is fine so far. With these shows that try to keep you guessing it's typically all in the payoff anyway. Especially if you have normal cast/acting and not exceptional like in season 1. Game of Thrones made a run out of it. Seasons that were solid but somewhat meandering and convoluted but the last 2 episodes would hit you like a brick and you were left thinking the whole thing was great. Then seasons 7 and 8 came and they couldn't keep that magic streak going and it tanked the perception of those seasons. There's 2 problems I see with this season right now. First is they've crossed the line of excess of hinting at supernatural events but still being able to pull back and have it be supernatural free but not seem stupid. I can't imagine a way to pull that off at this point. If that's what they try it will fail to land. 2nd is there are too many one note characters. It's fine to have Navarro be one note but to this point they haven't developed much depth with Danvers, Hank, Peter, or Leah. They've developed more depth with the dead girl through flashbacks than they have the main characters. Episode 4 would be a great time to really ramp up the emotional response in the viewer before hitting us with the conclusion to the story. It feels like this is going to revolve around the environmental factors of the mine and whatever works Tsalal was doing vs the health crisis and outrage of the community. Danvers' daughter is going to get in too deep and be a source of conflict for Danvers, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's revealed Annie was using Clark get access to Tsalal and that eventually got her killed.
  16. Cloak room is for political talk. There's nothing political about McMahon putting a former president in his hall of fame that's been found guilty of sexual assault in civil court. Which makes sense now that McMahon is being sued for sexual assault. No mention of public policy, laws, legislation, or anything of the sort. Does not belong in cloak room.
  17. Now if makes total sense why Vince had the former president on his wrestling program and even personally had the former president inducted into his WWE Hall of Fame. They're basically the same person just one is stupid and evil and one is smart/savvy and evil. Now who is the guy always kissing up to former president and having him on his ppv broadcasts? Dana White. What kind of evil, depraved shit is Dana White doing?
  18. No, they hired the local yokels https://www.theautopian.com/mercedes-loses-big-in-consumer-reports-latest-reliability-rankings/
  19. Amazingly Vince is actually worse than I thought, and I thought he was almost as shitty as a former president. He's getting really close
  20. I was kind of saying it in jest as I don't believe he'll be anywhere near that good, but he is similar athletically and in physical build. Lovejoy had a 6'4" white dude returning kickoffs and I believe he housed a few in his time there. I'm intrigued
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