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Fuck Tim Beck

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Everything posted by Fuck Tim Beck

  1. Lol. A ginger is gonna hand a win to the ginger clapper
  2. Hate that for Dak. Dude is way too classy to have to put up with Jerry.
  3. Join Tom and Michelle at Palazio after the game. Bring extra cocaine.
  4. ^ is the plan that Mrs. Thomas gets to watch Earl and his brother dp skanks this time?
  5. And that's fair. Way more manly that mensa or his team of sjw's.
  6. The Belmont Twats is the name of tbe barbershop quartet that sings at the athletic department Christmas party. It's very swanky . I hear plonsky loves it
  7. Didn't realize art briles son in law is the oc for kiffen. Wonder how many rapes have happened already
  8. Is molly mcgrath preggers? I wish it were mine
  9. Which brings us full circle that these people are morons and weak minded. Just like they are on the field
  10. Fuck it. Disband football and let them pay their own way thru college. It's obvious CDC doesn't care about winning anyway.
  11. Back to the roll out with nowhere to throw it bullshit. Stupid play design
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