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Everything posted by DeweyCox

  1. Haha! Maybe Tom will try out the ol He-man hairdo one of these days.
  2. Ricky wearing a photo ID cracks me up. Badass cap, too!
  3. I have a lot of experience (20+ yrs) working with troubled kids and their parents (if they’re even in the picture). I’ve worked closely with RTCs (residential treatment centers), the court system, psychologists, psychiatrists, and many other resources whose collective goal is to help troubled children grow into capable adults. Most of the kids I’ve worked for have gut-wrenching histories. I have a perspective that most do not, because it’s just not something we like to get up close and personal with or discuss with any depth. The formative years of life are so important for establishing order, trust, cognitive development, etc. It’s the foundation that we build upon for life. Some have a shitty foundation and will struggle their whole life. Add in brain injury...well, good luck. The movie Three Identical Strangers sheds some light on the nature/nurture topic. The fields of psychiatry/psychology have far more questions than answers. Unfortunately, many of the kids I’ve worked for were simply medicated into stupor because natural methods were ineffective. We just don’t understand what we’re dealing with. Considering how closed off (untrusting) many troubled kids are, how could we know?
  4. Let that be a lesson to everyone. 1+5=6 2+3+4=9 That’s 3 points difference. Like 48-45.
  5. Damn right, except this time we keep our foot on their throats.
  6. If we weren’t getting flagged for delay of game before our first offensive play, I think just about everyone would feel mostly optimistic.
  7. OU sux and so do you, aggy
  8. Just when I thought this day couldn’t get any better...
  9. Geez, what an unprofessional thing for Hamm to say, much less tweet.
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