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Everything posted by NorthLoop

  1. Last night was my first game in 10ish years at DKR. I think my last one was some nonconference game that @blacklab dragged me into the upper deck for. Obviously shit has changed quite a bit from my perspective. Some thoughts: The drone show and the light stuff is pretty fucking cool. I barely heard the band at all, but I was in section 32, which is probably the worst for hearing the band. The DJ needs to go. We don't need that shit. Texas Fight with the phone lights is cool as fuck. It seemed like it took a quarter or so before people started getting loud on 3rd downs, etc. Again, could've just been my section. By the 4th quarter everyone around me was juiced and loud as shit. The empty south endzone seats continue to be an embarrassment. All in all, I think I picked a good one to bust my slump.
  2. Someone else tell this guy cuz I don't have the energy
  3. BYU about to get prison raped by the refs today
  4. They were never gonna not give us Mar one more time. I'd rather it be today than the championship game. Hopefully we curbstomp these fuckos so bad that Mar can't make a difference.
  5. ⚾️ Immaculate Grid 234 9/9: Rarity: 102 IMMACULATE! 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 Play at: https://immaculategrid.com @immaculategrid x @baseball_ref
  6. Ok so I finally just said fuck it and beat the game..... but it took me many many more hours than I thought it would. After I had done the 4 sages crap I thought I'd just go up to Hyrule Castle and we'd get this shit going. NOPE. I had at least 3 or 4 more hours of bullshit left. Even when I got to the end, I'm like "Yay I beat Ganondorf"... NOPE... you have to beat him again in another form.... "YAY I beat Ganondorf"... NOPE.. another form! Then when I finally won, I was really expecting Link and Zelda to just fuck right there on screen. NOPE... she doesn't even acknowledge him. Dude is friendzoned forever. He needs to take Purah back to the Hyrule basement and get dirty with her.
  7. I remember wishing he would've come here instead of going pro. Don't even remember if we had a chance or not..... also possible Eskimo bro with me but I already told that story.
  8. ⚾️ Immaculate Grid 231 9/9: Rarity: 45 IMMACULATE! 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 Play at: https://immaculategrid.com @immaculategrid x @baseball_ref
  9. Will rig12 refs be officiating those games? No? Then yes.
  10. Baxter will be a good one, maybe a great one.
  11. That was fucking ridiculous. Luckily we made them pay.
  12. They missed their chance to throw a flag for holding that they knew we'd decline.
  13. Is this a serious question?
  14. The story isn't all about our penalties. It's the zero called on them (the stepping out of bounds one doesn't really count as a penalty)
  15. That flag on Whittington was bs too. He stopped. Might've been a split second, but he stopped. And that never gets called.
  16. Holy shit that first down call. Not only that but he was juggling the ball whole being pushed backwards.
  17. We knew it was a screen and still fucked it up
  18. Just spotted him a yard extra on that sideline catch
  19. And the announcers decided to completely ignore it
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