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Everything posted by Nonbryan

  1. It's going to go well.....God is good my friend. We are keeping your baby girl and your family in our prayers.
  2. Holy crap! Our orthodontist just said it would be $6,000 to put braces on the kiddo! Are you kidding me?! I'm going to go out and buy a 3d printer and make some invisalign's myself! Does this price sound right? Anyone else had to do braces for a kid lateley and if so, was it that much?
  3. My son told me he didn't want to watch the Texans with me today b/c "they don't really have many good players anymore". It made me sad and angry at Butt Chin all at once.
  4. I'm sure policing camping in parks is a low priority item for them, right?
  5. Yep, things are really starting to go downhill fast!
  6. Nonbryan


    Do NOT listen to this man! Ignore what he is saying. Stores are closed. No Need to go to any of these places. Must go elsewhere. Sorry.
  7. Ummmmmm, we are in the middle of COVID and this sport lends itself to an injury occasionally. 15 of 22 starting spots are 1 snap away from a Soph or younger playing all the snaps. It's a significant data point.
  8. and 8 of our 12 OL's listed are Soph or younger and 2 of our 3 QB's are Soph or younger. Not saying it's good or bad here. Just listing observations.
  9. Huh? 19 of our 2 deep are So. or younger. That is almost half of our 2 deep.
  10. Is it just me or does the depth chart feel really young?
  11. So do we throw eggs at the Euro model now? Pffft, Euro Schmero!
  12. Looking for some direction from the pro's on this thread. Are there a few websites that are preferred for purchasing a gun online and having it shipped to your local FFL? Advantages I would be looking for are inventory choices and discounts/prices. What is the local go to purchasing spot? Thanks for the input!
  13. I ran my sprinklers TWICE yesterday. Triple down on dat combination!!!! Success! I may go wash my car now.
  14. 78717 blast of rain and wind from the north!
  15. Tried to Port my phone over to Visible sevice today.....TERRIBLE experience so far. Bottom line is that they told me that they would have someone get back to me in five days!!!!! Hell no.
  16. Unboxed and set up this OnePlus 7 pro and I'm impressed with it so far. It looks and feels VERY similar to my Samsung. I may have found a good midrange option here! I thriew an Alinsea liquid glass cover on it to protect it and it looks sharp.
  17. Got an email that the OnePlus 7 Pro's were in stock today from the manufacturer. I took the plunge and bought one. As well, I ordered a Visible SIM card and I'm going to throw that in it when it arrives and see how the service is. I'm excited to see how the new package works out!!
  18. Will it come out in the USA? I thought I had read no. If it does and it's sub $500, that may be the way to go.
  19. I think I'm going to try and find a oneplus 7 pro and give it a shot. As well, I'm going to move over to Visible to save a few bucks on cell service. I will write back on how it goes.
  20. Thanks for the insight Twice. Any favorites out there right now in that midrange? I have always been the sucker for the newest phone but I'm up for dropping down a level and not wasting that $.
  21. I broke my screen on my Samsung 8plus and I'm trying to decide wether to replace the screen for $250 or bit the bullet and buy a new phone. Anyone have experience with replacing a Samsung screen and were you satisfied? I'm toying with the idea of maybe trying an older Oneplus for $500 or so as well. Thoughts?
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