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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 4th&Five

  1. Least enjoyable 8-1 team to watch ever.
  2. People wonder why Oregon is ahead of us.
  3. Awful tackling and now we’re in a game.
  4. Not really. Our coach sucks managing games.
  5. We’re lucky TCU is so shitty because we’ve done everything to keep them in this.
  6. He never learns. same shit to start both halves.
  7. That’s the last place we wanted him to go down!
  8. Third and one and third and 3 on first two drives and our offensive genius HC can’t convert either of them.
  9. We’ve had the ball twice and did everything we could to keep them in it and not grab momentum. It’s so fucking frustrating.
  10. We play for 4th down way too often.
  11. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, they don’t know what he’s talking about but he drops his little catch phrase and they lose their minds.
  12. They’re lucky the Utah dude just fell on it.
  13. What. A. Moron. It’ll be amazing if that costs them the playoffs!
  14. The Bear said to take the first half under. Dumb ass.
  15. Hard to believe this is the same sport as the shit we watched earlier.
  16. Watching on mute. How is that not a safety?
  17. Still bummed the LD documentary that Larry Charles made is still sitting on the shelf. It sounds like their relationship ended over it too.
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