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Everything posted by BHMCruiser

  1. I am a super, super, die-hard Alabama fan...and the 17 championships thing is ridiculous. But it's turned into performance art because it pisses people off so much.
  2. exactly that's why you play the game
  3. I haven't read this whole thread, but here goes: I hate those clips on ESPN when the special needs kid makes a basket in a game. I mean, good for him and it's a great experience, but there is no way I would have let that kid score in high school. You want to score? You'd better do it from the free throw line, if you can get up.
  4. you know, science-based transgender illusions and such things and so forth
  5. No can do, bro. David Blaine does not do enough to combat transphobia so fuck him.
  6. what sane and rational person decides they are a different gender than they are? Determining what is "sane" or "insane" from a third-party perspective is not easily done and has a lot of social and psychological pitfalls. The lines being drawn are inarguably arbitrary, and the stakes are very high, because people who are experiencing gender dysphoria or body dysmorphia have very hard lives and we need to have some empathy.
  7. could you please stop derailing the thread? Thanks
  8. Sorry, but all I'm hearing is "Joe Rogan did not do enough to advance my highly contentious agenda and therefore he's a transphobic piece of shit so I hate him." He's just having conversations with people. He isn't running for office.
  9. Calling concern about the effect trans athletes competing will have on biological females "misogyny" really kind of tips this whole thing on its side.
  10. So a trans athlete should undergo five years of transition and hormone therapy before competing against biological women?
  11. "we are both wives" thread is in another forum
  12. did she also write this post for you? it's incomprehensible
  13. Then it doesn't matter what she knows or doesn't know. She just has to be more knowledgeable than Special Edna and Freddie Forehead. Frankly, it's probably a good job for a dumdum. Kill two birds with one stone.
  14. I need to buy some more across-from-the-driveway cars brb
  15. you ask your neighbors to change where they park in front of their own house? honestly it would never occur to me to do that. and if my neighbor did that to me I would buy more cars just to park in front of his driveway
  16. your wife sounds very very very fat
  17. you are a man I recognize your manliness you smell masculine on the internet
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