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Samson's Wig

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Everything posted by Samson's Wig

  1. Delta variant is sending kids to the hospital at higher and higher rates. It's not summer of 2020 anymore. Yes, the odds still seem low, but we haven't seen numbers with kids back in school yet. All we know now is that a lot more kids are getting seriously sick than were prior to delta showing up. Children's hospitals throughout the south are already packed to the gills. Gambling with what is still an unknown, especially with kids who can't be vaccinated yet, is an odd choice in my opinion. Rationalizing it with comparisons to auto accidents is silly. If everyone obeyed all traffic laws, traffic deaths would plummet to almost nothing. If everyone just got a fucking vaccine and masked up when asked, delta would have had nowhere to breed. Bad drivers and anti-mask/vaxers know the rules are there for a reason but don't think they should apply to them. There are simple things we can all do to protect one another, even if it's a tad overkill until we have a better sense of what's going on. We can always throttle back if the data suggests it. But right now all we know is kids are getting sick from this variant, much moreso than past ones. Why some insist on applying dated thinking to the problem is a mystery. However, I'm all good with anyone who likes to gamble doing what they like so long as it doesn't put others at risk. It should be these families that have to seek out private education to meet their very specific needs, rather than sending the majority scrambling for a way to educate their child safely. Marginal opinions should be the ones marginalized. There are plenty of evangelical schools out there that I'm sure think vaccinations/masks/science is for suckers. The end game of ensuring these parents get tax dollars to pay for religious school is becoming more and more clear. It's a shame that everyone else will get royally fucked in the process, especially poor kids.
  2. "One unsurprising dynamic has emerged from Texas’ defection: The leaders at Baylor, TCU and Texas Tech are talking on a daily basis and working closely together to figure out what’s next." What in the ever-loving fuck is Texas Tech thinking? Let the tiny private schools die on their own vine. Holy shit that's stupid.
  3. It seems rather clear that all of this is just long game bullshit for school vouchers, right? I know Morath and his ilk would love nothing more than for public schools to get as shitty as possible so they can easily push full blown Jesus vouchers through the leg. That's the only explanation I can think of for TEA's utter and complete insanity on this issue. The only other possibility is that they're completely and utterly stupid. Which they clearly are. I still think the voucher issue is what's driving it though.
  4. Prepare to sit on your ass for a long time at the crossing. https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/destinations/2021/08/04/canada-border-travel-delays-employee-strike-border-services-agency/5485611001/ My wife is Canadian, and we haven't seen her family in over two years (nor our children their grandparents). We've been watching closely for when things would open back up. Finally got her parents a second dose of vaccine a couple of weeks ago (yes it took Canada that long to get the elderly vaccinated), and they're planning to head down here in September. Hoping we can go back to spend Christmas up there. I'd keep your head on a swivel, though, as the current circumstances are perfect for them to shut the border back down any second.
  5. In many ways, yes. Any remote attempt at parity has been the exception. And the lack of parity is a big part of why ratings have been sinking for the last decade or so. General fans will not continue to tune in to watch the same handful of schools play the only meaningful games. While I'm all for this move, as we should get our money while we can, I do think it hastens the inevitable relegation of college football to a low-tier niche entertainment product. ESPN built the SEC into the monster it is with their bullshit. The marketing worked. Now it's the only show in town and it makes sense to get on board. But their ploy has led to lower and lower ratings. The ship is already sinking and no one wants to acknowledge it. ESPN answers to a publicly traded company (well two I guess), and quick dollars are all they give a shit about. As a college football fan I care more about the longevity of the sport, but the writing is on the wall. We'll still have college football a few decades from now, but it will be lucky to draw advertising dollars at the same rate as minor league baseball does now. We've seen the peak and it was around ten years ago or so. Hell, by that time college football may be on par with lacrosse or some other afterthought college sport. The people who care will all be dead. Plenty has already been said here and elsewhere about the other contributing factors (kids not playing football, generational indifference among millennials, Gen Z), but this post is already longer than anyone will read so I'll add a bit more. Football in general will fade with Gen X, who were children in its heyday and were adults in its big money making years. Boomers and Gen X drive the sport. Boomers are already becoming irrelevant from an advertising standpoint, and and advertisers know that once Gen X leaves the sweet spot in terms of age for marketing, they will move their dollars elsewhere. You've seen the programming that AARP, Depends, and dick pill ads appear on. That will be college football in twenty years. ESPN is doing what it can to squeeze what the can out of the sport in its waning years, as they should. As fans, it will be sad to see it die off. We'll see some desperate last ditch effort to appeal to younger fans, but they already fucked that up with two generations. It's too late.
  6. I'm disappointed in the snakes around my house at the moment. Found a huge rat in the garage who had clearly taken up residence for some time. We have snakes all over the place here. Where were they when I needed them? Always underfoot when you least expect, but you need one rat dealt with and they're nowhere to be found. Useless bastards.
  7. I'll be out hunting Cobia and Snapper not too far from Cuba on the 26th. I'll report back any intel I pick up.
  8. This is kind of amazing. This person doesn't get paid to cover sports, do they? Because nothing in this write up indicates they have a clue how any of this works. TCU was never, and will never, be in a position to be attractive to power conferences. They back-doored into a desperate Big12 in failing last gasp to save it. A smattering of alumni and no real fan base isn't exactly a recipe for bringing dollars to the table.
  9. Gonna be a shitshow of epic proportions come mid August unless the Delta wave somehow crashes through Texas and moves on by then. Good luck to all.
  10. You serious Clark? TCU and Baylor are small schools and add nothing economically to any conference. They should have never been in the Big12. KSU and ISU are a stretch, especially KSU, but they're both miles better options than either of the private schools.
  11. Does anyone actually believe that jackass knows anything about, well anything?
  12. TCU is a tiny school with no fanbase. They are not an attractive get for any conference.
  13. PAC isn't taking TCU, nor is any serious conference. The only way they landed in the Big12 was pure desperation on the conference's part. Their 500 fans are not a financial incentive to anyone.
  14. lol no. The state of Texas doesn't give a rat's ass about UH.
  15. Tech seems like the school who would get fucked the most out of this deal. Consistent top 25 revenue generating athletic department, large alumni/fan base, and the best they could hope for is a shitty bid to the shittastic Pac10, which would be a large pay cut. Playing in a sisters of the poor conference with a bunch of religious schools and Coog High would be meaningless. And there's not a damn thing they can do to mitigate this.
  16. I have a buddy with epilepsy that this happened to. Passed out at an intersection, but his foot came off the brake and his giant Dodge pickemup truck slow rolled through the intersection at an angle and hit the curb on the other side at ten miles per hour. He was fine, but the Dodge was totaled.
  17. She was largely there to express gratitude to those neighbors who came running when it happened and offered aid, as in the moment she was obviously a bit distracted. She wasn't posting "look at me" content.
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