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Everything posted by NBMisha

  1. Was gonna call the D the reanimators, bringing the dead back to life. But it is a full on collapse. Cannot figure these bastards out.
  2. Yes, good D. But every chance our crap O gives Kansas is a chance for them to score.
  3. What variant of punt receiving shit do we see now?
  4. This why you don't have starting D guys on punt return. Can't afford to lose them.
  5. Punt receiving, field position, dumbassery, and playing down. Focusness
  6. Just playing down to the competition, again
  7. Opening kick out of bounds, then letting that punt drop.
  8. If people believe they need something, they will behave as if they need it. People now behave as if they need social media. Its behavior that matters, not abstract logic.
  9. Haven't been confident since the Tulsa game, and that was undeserved, in hindsight. Yet, we will win.
  10. Yea, looks are not supposed to matter to us good people. But, yikes.
  11. I think that Freso/Bakersfield district has been pub my entire lifetime. By wide margins. That is some major change.
  12. Regressive? Fascist? Righty? Friend of the state? Need to work on this.... What is the opposite of radical?
  13. Sure. What the centrists want and what the progressives want in a candidate are not compatible. I think the Dems are well into the process of sorting that out.
  14. Funny thing, the great majority of my former fellow oil field folk were staunch conservatives. Gun totin', huntin' and fishin' and ranch living' lib haters. I guess they will enjoy him laughing at them.
  15. Well, he's a billionaire from New York, they trust his management skills (implicitly, I presume), and thus he could deal with Trump in a debate (as if that matters, as has been pointed out here). Oh, and would appeal to independents, who, in there view, would run back to Trump if the candidate is too progressive. I don't think this last argument holds any more. I think the independents have been given the Trump inoculation. Might be wrong.
  16. At dinner last night with a couple a fews years older, if one can imagine that. Anyway, your basic always lived in the NE, summer in Nantucket, don't know much about the rest of the world but such nice people. Topic turned to 2020 democratic candidates, and both were certain that Bloomberg should and would be the one. The bounds of politeness did not allow me convey to them how crazy and myopic that was. And, they had virtually never heard of Beto. I guess this "centrist" constuency is real. And fairly hard headed. Something to deal with, but I'm doubting they have the numbers now.
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