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Everything posted by NBMisha

  1. He didn't say why really try. It went to absurd lengths to urge the necessity. He simply was a realist in psychology and that most people could not do what he called for. I'm not sure he is a suitable topic for pre college study, if this is your point. By the way, are you responsible for the value's you hold, or do you rely on a relgious source? He simply says it will be one or the other, whereas before that moment, religion was the only source. This does seem a lesson worth learning.
  2. Nietzhe is long winded, and obtuse, but not pointless. His main ethical point was, with the demise of religion, it is up to individuals to create their own value systems. Not than any value system would do. Most people would not be capable of responsibly handling this task, thus the uber mensch. I don't see how this has not be shown in retrospect.
  3. We'll, there's still alot of Eagle Scouts around.
  4. NBMisha


    No big deal. Afterward, I was hungry as hell, ravenous. Went out for the biggest breakfast in years. Then a nap. Pretty nice.
  5. I'd be for that, but isn't there some immunity for lawmakers, and, by extension, executive branch employees? Where would that line appropriately be drawn?
  6. And people considered him a policy "wonk". The asshole doesn't have the intellect god gave a cockroach. Which brings to mind a comparison between Ryan and cockroaches, which ends up being an insult to the roaches. But check this shithead into the roach motel, please.
  7. That is some high falutin reference there. Point is, they are living a simulated reality.
  8. Also what Chad Fuck said. But part of the pussification of scouts is the domination by parents. We had a great troop on Ft. Hood in the late 60's, and the only role the parents played was providing transportation to campouts/events, and meeting the minimum chaperone standards, like one or two adults on a campout, who were unseen and unheard during the campout. Point is, everything was done by the scouts. All the rank advancement coaching, all the campout and camporee planning, all the training, all the playing, all the supervision, running the meetings, organizing the courts of honor, everything was done by the scouts. A few merit badge counselors were adults, most were explorer level scouts from other units. This type of life preparation, this indepence, initiative, and organization, was incredibly valuable, in retrospect, and had disappeared from the scene by time my own son went thru scouts in the 90's.
  9. Your stamina is impressive. Additionally, your points re all conf champs in the playoff, or split the division, is the most coherent one on offer.
  10. Yesterday and today the various programs are doing the inventory of all the Trump areas subject to investigation, the list getting nice and long. Back in the work days, had to do quite a bit with portfolio thinking. Not in the finance world, but in the decision science world. It is a nerdy pleasure to now percieve that Trump is getting good and fucked by the central limit theorem.
  11. There's this, there is the rise of inequality, the rise of the multiplicity of identity politics including for whites, and the ever present fact of half the population having low intelligence..., it's hard to imagine why we were not this fucked well before this point in time.
  12. Yes, that is fucked up, in a seriously loud and nasty fart in church sort of way. I'm still giggling, and feeling bad about it.
  13. Same thing happened in WA. Prices fell from 25 per gram to 10-15. And they have stayed there. I believed that's called an equilibrium.
  14. NBMisha


    Whose lives depend on...? A medical revelation! Can't talk with people whose lives depend on racism and Nazism.
  15. My mom was a crazy psychotic. Every day was one long screaming fit. She used the the flyswatter, and her mule slippers. Hit any place that wasn't covered up. I did learn to avoid trouble as much as possible. My dad was much more reluctant, but it was always the belt. The kid across the street's mom would break off a switch from a tree. Then there were the teachers and coaches. All in all, prolly too much of this, but the OP story is pathetic.
  16. When does that WVA guy get out of jail? A pardon, maybe?
  17. What a pleasant break in the ongoing sludge of news this article was.
  18. The referenced book, "Before The Storm", about Goldwater's rise on the tide of the first insurgency, is a must read. Great article, thanks.
  19. Yet another life mistake on my part.
  20. NBMisha

    Tax reform

    I'm going to promise myself I won't beat my head against the wall when this happens. It is as certain as my golf slice.
  21. As do assholes and motherfuckers. Not necessarily the best style. I myself like the facilitative approach. But I'm plenty good with Nancy.
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