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Everything posted by NBMisha

  1. That means get down on your belly, roll over, and bark, bitch.
  2. Yes, that clip, and the general coherency of it, are just like a flip side of Trump. Sure. More like the opposite. I don't get the obsession, except, as previously explained, as an artifact of fear.
  3. He is one angry dude. One can only wonder why. And, JFC, he was a judge? Was this during reconstruction? For you law dogs, is this a normal Texas thing?
  4. Yes, his false proper nouns are driving me nuts.
  5. The older one gets, the harder it is to come back from injuries. I'm afraid the answer is that there is no age where that will work.
  6. Will he be allowed to the funeral?
  7. The money thinks Texas shouldn't be on the same field. They might be wrong.
  8. Someone said we would remember yesterday...., or was it Nov 29. Well, we'll just remember this season. It is turning into a wonderful holiday season.
  9. Yes, part of the fallacy of making Amurca great again. Let's just get on with simply being better than we are right now.
  10. Just realpolitik, dude. Didn't get the memo?
  11. I keep learning new and interesting things from this.
  12. Not to mention a plagiarist of W. Zevon. Well done.
  13. Ha. We are on Bainbridge for a few days. Maybe there is a tavern somewhere to watch this. Would be epic if the Utes got it done.
  14. Yea, just what the hell is a fair number?
  15. November 29. 11-29. Or 1129. All good numbers.
  16. Love child of Mark Zuckerberg and Biff Tannen?
  17. Pretty impressive stat line there. No reason to think Pokes win, except that this shit happens all the time.
  18. I'm thinkin something like No Country for Old Trumpkins. With Mueller as Chigur.
  19. Yes, but that doesn't mean everyone has to suffer for all time because of that error. Your argument supports another vote. We'll have ours.
  20. I was going to say something about couches.... Such an ass whipping on Harbaugh is so nice. Even if it from Urbs.
  21. Yea, why? Because the vote will turn out otherwise and the prior leaders will be run out of town on a rail. And avoiding that outcome is the most important thing, i.e. the true will of the people.
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