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Everything posted by NBMisha

  1. So the university is endorsing this candidate? What do their student and faculty constituencies say? Not in the normal playbook.
  2. Retirement is great and all that, but the insomnia is a regular deal. The videos on this page were a great way to spend the early morning. As a guy I'm not supposed to give a shit about the Buckingham and Nicks drama. I always thought it produced great stuff from LB, but had long since stopped listening to the band's recordings. The video of The Dance offers an alternate perspective. Funny how art, even pop, can make one reflect on ones own life.
  3. I certainly appreciate your civic mindedness. You hate 96% of your fellow citizens, but your motives are purer.
  4. Isn't undocumentd entry a civil violation, thus not criminal? Doesn't US law and treaties require US to consider asylum applications whether seekers enter at a designated point or elsewhere?
  5. Well, Fozz, our conversation is now thread shitting, which I regret, and I regret as well my grow up comment. Your clarification by reclassifying my original statements as normative as opposed to ideological is accepted. Your classification of capitalism as non normative is true only in the sense that it is a lable for a large set of practices and institutions. If it is descriptive, it is not so in a positive or positivistic manner. Yet you showed your true meaning when you spoke of infringement of the freedoms of those wanting to deploy their money. Those are loaded framing words, reflecting your normative view of the way things should be. You are not above it all. I'll repeat, the idea that macro economics is some real thing out there and up there above mere human wants and desires is nonsense. Worse, it is a pernicious weapon used to great political effect. If this is what is taught at McCombs now, well, shit.
  6. And you are framing the issue in your preferred way, in that such mundane questions as what should we do, what may we hope for are cast as "ideological" rather than simply very important to humans. And you seem to view macro economics as a sort of physics that exists platonically independent of humans. Grow up. Econcomics is a social science. Macro economics is a collection of models meant to shed light within human decision making processes.
  7. The state is obligated to do what society wants. Regarding macro economics, society asks "what's the economy for?" For the 1%, for the majority? There is no economy without the instituions that the state provides.
  8. Well, given that 99% of what Trump does is ridiculous, it seems the coverage is quite biased in his favor.
  9. Trump is a moronic, sociopathic criminal. Nixon was not a moron. Your comparison is way off.
  10. Brutally spot on. Back into my hole.
  11. Well, TH said he was going to talk to O about that.
  12. Don't know anything about the subject, sorry. But do have experience in plunging into a completely foreign type of assignment. I certainly had trepidations, but trust your generic abilities. Good luck.
  13. It was gratifying to see the overall effort, and level of play. No poo pooing that at all. I, for one, don't think USC sucks. We'll see against Wazzu this weekend. I think they get their crap together and win out except UW. Whatever. But, no one else will be giving and giving and giving like USC did for us with the penalties and stupidity, short kicks, etc. A clean game, and its closer. More close games against mediocre teams are likely in our future. But I'm giving the cynical hate a rest this week, and hope for a similar effort against TCU.
  14. That's an interesting turn. Or, just some furrowed brows.
  15. Living off da fat of da land used to be a good gig for UT. Now its just a dream. I'm done with TH.
  16. Just so its DJT's procession.
  17. Marylands's tradition is embarassing Texas. Sadly.
  18. Man, this discussion of the lack of coaching wizardry last year is bringing me hard back to earth. Probably a good thing.
  19. Clearly her list implies a lot of aspiration and confidence. Well done, so far, Mr and Mrs Brisket. I would reverse the cold weather, dark as problems perspective. Why not learn how to cope with that reality? Just one more adversity to master. I have met some really great engineers from all the schools except Amherst. Yet I'm surprised at their low ranking, but these things say nothing about individual programs. Let here visit and choose. Relax, and pay. I don't understand the bolding shit.
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