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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wood

  1. Seriously, signing him to that long of a contract, and the timing of it, made up one of the worst moves I've ever seen an F1 team make. As a result of their rush to lock up Ocon, they lost Alonso and Piastri. Just wow.
  2. Yep. They were nowhere and then caught up by doing the same thing Aston did - copying Red Bull's concept. Looks like Merc is all set to copy Newey as well. Aston Martin, meanwhile took a step or two back. According to the F1T guys and some other places, it seems they spent a lot of their extra wind tunnel time and general development resources on the flexi-wing route, which they had been told was fine, only to have the TDs pull the rug out from under their development path. The TDs clamped down on the flexi parts, and the tire change hurt them as well, as they were probably only second to RBR in their ability to make the tires work and last a long time before Pirelli changed them. They don't have the same ability to crank out new parts as the bigger teams do - something they're in the middle of addressing with infrastructure and staffing enhancements - so they haven't been able to go down the new path as quickly as the others. Makes a lot of sense of it all.
  3. Yeah for me, Ocon is easily the least likeable cat out there.
  4. Yeah that was an amazing car that should have won 2 championships. And I miss old Ron, too. Instant entertainment! But McLaren is looking really strong now, & Lando says they're coming for Red Bull.
  5. Gasly was piiiiiissed. Still is afaik.
  6. Yep. Alonso and Lewis cruising 1-2, lapping all but Massa. At Monaco. The pitwall tells both drivers to conserve the cars with a lower engine power setting the rest of the way. Lewis refuses and keeps the higher setting instead, pushing and attacking Alonso who is already in the lower power setting. For the lead. At Monaco. In his 5th race of his rookie year. Alonso turns his power back up and says "I'll turn it down when he does". Lewis finally turns his power down after Dennis has to get involved over the radio. And yeah, for me, Max, Alonso, and Lewis are easily the top tier. Everyone else is just chasing their level. At least for now, and it's been that way for a while.
  7. I hear ya, but Lewis did the same when he was a rookie at McLaren, and Lewis has done a great job overall, but as with pretty much any WDC, the skins on the wall are there because he was in the right car at the right time and beat his teammate most of the time.
  8. Well, it is the Surl, so ... :statefarmguy:
  9. Valtteri was a good Mercedes dog. I think maybe George got a little of the 'bad dog' treatment yesterday. We'll see how he takes it. It was also interesting to see Gasly's reaction to Alpine's orders.
  10. Oh yeah. Good point, but it still came as the result of a GP classification after he died, right?
  11. Yep. Looks like it. Crazy. They can't say nobody saw this coming lol. First time ever for someone to clinch a WDC with something other than a GP result. If Max finishes 6th or higher, it's a done deal.
  12. He has 'deceptive speed', i.e. 'pretty fly fast for a white guy'.
  13. Piastri is the real deal imho. Absolutely a star in the making. Just so calm and unflappable ... and quick as hell. Just chilling in the driver's room, as if he'd just finished P1, like "What's the big deal?"
  14. Wow. I watched Alonso's onboard all race on the side. He drove the wheels off that Aston in the long last stint to avoid the threat from the Alpines. Monster lap after monster lap, for like 27 or 28 laps. Yeah they pitted Fred too early from the softs to the hards. It made him a sitting duck later when the others started pitting for several-lap-fresher hards & blowing right by him. Not his fault this time tho. Rear wing failure.
  15. I wonder how many insects were trampled during the construction of Seb's bug hotels.
  16. Seen Lewis? Look for this homeless-looking guy:
  17. I'm not 100% sure, but I think maybe that's Mervi Kallio from Viaplay. Re: Crofty, I've always thought he gets a raw deal, esp from the British fans. I realize he says some silly things, but I don't think people appreciate how difficult his job really is. Seems like a good guy, too.
  18. Yep, and from what I can tell, it's the fundamental nature of the car, too. From what I've been reading, it's very 'on the nose' ... i.e. it's very well-planted on the front, turns in extremely well, and is prone much more to oversteer than understeer. So it needs someone who can handle that. Apparently most engineers would design as much of that into a car as they can get away with because it results in quicker cars, except that most drivers even in F1 don't like the car so 'pointy' or twitchy. It's not just Checo. You put most guys in that second seat and they'd struggle because of that. There are a handful of guys who don't mind a pointy front end, and from most accounts I'm reading, Max is the best at handling the oversteer it creates. So basically they have a car that's extremely quick at least in part because of how pointy it is, and they have the guy with the best ability to handle that, so they don't have to dial it out to compensate for the driver like they'd usually have to do.
  19. wood

    Fuck Big 12 refs

    Who are these assholes and what have they done with the real Rig 12 refs? It's only a half though. Give it time, I guess.
  20. Bottas fell of his bike. Some comedy gold in the comments ...
  21. That overhead shot is just spectacular.
  22. I laughed, but yeah. Got damn. That team is an embarrassment ... which imho is yet another reason the other teams are happy to keep them around and try to deny Andretti entry. They like the 'American team' being a joke.
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