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tantric superman

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Everything posted by tantric superman

  1. I like the way this is stated. The question is that at what point does "appreciation" stop being "interesting".
  2. I've always been particularly surprised by folks who didn't appreciate boyhood. I'm putting it on age. Linklater is one year older than me, and I thought boyhood was just amazing in that I related to every character at every age in a way that I was their age at the instant i was viewing the movie. I thought it was a mean feat and deserving of Best Picture. Maybe you have to be at least as old at Patricia and Ethan to really get it. I thought Whiplash was fun. I saw that it was on Prime or HBO recently, and I fast forwarded to the first time conductor was mean to him, and then the final concert, because the rest was just kind of tedious and surly the second time around.
  3. This is a really good point. My initial thought was "damn, I don't spend enough time smelling the roses (shooting the basketball)". But then when I read the OP, and thought about my average day, I thought, yeah, I spend some time outside, walking the dog, hanging out in the backyard, doing quiet things. Film was a good reminder that we should think about and notice those things more.
  4. A Year in the Life of Derka (2021) Kind of a Sling Blade meets Nebraska meets Slacker meets Golden Girls vibe. I'm a fan.
  5. Perhaps you will find peace and stillness should you forego Rotten Tomatoes forever.
  6. Watched it again. That last damn scene, when the drop comes down and the music kicks in. Ha!
  7. Sound of Metal. Good little movie. Some unbelievability, but terrifying in its way when it needed to be. The sound effects were pretty great. I bought it. Wanted to see more of the hearing dog, Louie.
  8. Or a simple rebate at the end of the year. Such rebate approach would also have a positive environmental effects.
  9. I think that is being a bit too generous. I don't think they even want to "abandon to a more expensive private sector approach" I think think they truly appear to not give a fuck, and are basically telling those who can't get theirs to fuck off. Good god, I'd love for the Republicans to be a party that offered an intelligent alternative. They aren't even offering a stupid alternative on issues.
  10. 2015 nominees: Boyhood>Birdman>Grand Buda Hotel. These were the only three deserving, and Birdman was pretty great. 2016 nominees, which is where Room was: Fury Road>Big Short>Spotlight>Revenant were the only four deserving.
  11. You've chosen to ignore content by Enchubben
  12. Per my location app, you seem to be dilly dallying at the Starbucks off of 75 and Campbell. Are you getting any work done?
  13. https://www.wired.com/story/mank-netflix-sound-design/
  14. If you count Roma, OP is wrong, but I don't think Roma was a Netlfix release. I started Mank in fits and starts, but then I sat down and watched it, and I think it's fucking great. What got me is I had the same feel i had watching Citizen Kane. "I'm not enjoying this in the traditional sense, but it's a gorgeous, great film." But the key was the goddamn sound which hit me about 45 minutes into the thing and made me realize what a strange mnemonic device Fincher was using. Just transported me back to college when I first saw the flick. And I was watching Mank with headphones. I kept taking my headphones off because I thought the main speakers were on and my wife was already asleep. The story itself wasn't A+ but the damn thing was quality and great.
  15. I think Texit is stupid but we could kick Catalonia's ass in a war, so not sure where you are going with this.
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