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tantric superman

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Everything posted by tantric superman

  1. Who gives a fuck what emboldens this fucktard? 60-70% of the American people are emboldened by someone having a backbone and pursing ethics and fairness and the betterment of the country and the driving out of scoundrels. The rest, including the Dotard, can choke on a bag of dicks, with all due respect.
  2. I'd go with some version of "Quiet! Never! Can't! Those are just words, they're meaningless, It's time to get out of bed and do something!"
  3. Paper Moon (1973) Sweet little Bogdanovich flick - well done little diversion. Burton Gilliam's teeth are in fine form.
  4. Shoot the Piano Player (1960) I don't like a lot of Truffaut. So when I see something of his I haven't seen, I have a pretty low bar. This had some interesting characters, and a kid named Fido, so I was rooting for it. Nice little story.
  5. I'm poor but slurping $12 prosecco and cava keeps me happy.
  6. Yep. I went to school in the northwest side of San Antonio, long ago, and the non-city hispanics west of town who I knew fit this model.
  7. Surprised that we don't have someone just being straightforward and going with "Apropos of nothing..."
  8. We Stanford men are good looking, the ladies love us and love to party. Occupational hazard.
  9. Fuck you immamac 60 isn't old as fuck. It's old but not old as fuck.
  10. I was a young Republican type in college, so may as well play one here for the next four years. I can't even tell what the fucking question was in the OP. 1) I am in favor of aggressively getting rid of federal regulations, as long as they are shitty regulations. 2)I am in favor of a xenophobic strict border control policy, as long as the people we keep out are clearly more vile than then the folks who stormed the capitol. Everybody else should be welcome. 3) I am rabidly pro-Israel as long as we treat them like we treated South Africa during apartheid. 4) I am in favor of a national service program for all persons 18-20. 5) I am in favor of color blind policies as long as we are engaged in aggressive economic affirmative action.
  11. Not sure of the cost. But no matter what, it may be the Devil, or it may be the Lord, but you're gonna have to serve somebody.
  12. I can't get Lovely Day out of my head. Although I'm not trying that hard.
  13. Would that it were so simple. All I can do when you write a movie blurb is to respond with a mirthless chuckle.
  14. Hey, I'm in a good mood today so I'm going to pretend a "moderate Republican party" could attract some folks who freak out at the black man AND the nazi.
  15. Three parties. Republican - Mormony and lip service to conservative economics and libertarianism and furtive John Updikey sex and closeted gay sex. 35% Progressive/Dem/Green - Healthcare and climate change and racial justice and hot pachuoli/barre sex (straight and gay). 45% Patriot/Populist: Nickname - The Wall-Eyes. Guns and Incest. 20%
  16. I didn't remember who won. (I guess I assumed all the "overrated" talk was because Revenant must of won....)
  17. You sound as confused as poor Robby.
  18. Plus, the whitesnake here I go again scene was worth the whole season.
  19. Johnny is the greatest dumb blond to ever grace the little tv. My only beef is with Hawk -- the whole series is dumb but in a good way, but they are asking too much of the viewer on this guy. They just needed a slightly more physically imposing nerd with a few notches down on the mohawk. Something just basic Major League Soccer.
  20. Dang, you guys are harsh. While movies like Amores Perros and Birdman do some really interesting things and hold you spellbound, I found it helpful to look at The Revenant as simply a movie about bears and Indians and horses dropping into trees and how Montana might have been harsh back then. (At least that's what the first incredible scene kind of hinted at.) It's no more serious than Last of the Mohicans, except you trade the love interest for Tom Hardy in what is really kind of a comic role. Whether or not its "off the real story" doesn't really matter if you don't know what the "real story" is - advantage of not doing enough reading. And if you resent it just because it won best picture, I don't have a problem with someone saying Spotlight, Big Short, or Fury Road should have won, but it wasn't shocking. (I thought Fury Road had a bigger wow factor but Revenant was damn beautiful and impressive and pretty easy to appreciate if you aren't resentful of where it ranks.)
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