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tantric superman

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Everything posted by tantric superman

  1. Just listening the Commentary Podcast, which to me has been a complete lapdog to Trump over the last four years and they are calling for impeachment. Four savage Jews.
  2. More of a tar and feathering or riding him out on a rail in my book. "Lynching" is only appropriate when used to directly refer to a lynching or any attack on a conservative Supreme Court nominee.
  3. Me to, plus I rode bikes with him on White Rock Lake.
  4. God, I would love to throw all his shit about the 19th century Rutherford Hayes shit or whatever it was back in his face and say that there is precedent for seditionists to be expelled.
  5. https://www.everycrsreport.com/reports/RL30016.html
  6. 25th seems like a silly approach. Impeach. Make it easy. 25th is too goddamn psychological and shit.
  7. And to think I used to feel open minded because I mixed/bumped elbows with some of these people (when they were full and drunk and happy) once a year at the State Fair...
  8. When I drop a dime to the big Swahili, he got to put it in the hole.
  9. Well, since some of us are opining, I don't think Romney is perfect, but if he was the norm for what the opposition to Dems were in this country, I'd be pretty fucking thrilled. He's goddamn relatively awesome is what he is. We motherfuckers allowed Ted Cruz to be our senator, we don't deserve to say one negative fucking thing about Romney.
  10. I just broke my January alcohol free pledge with a bottle of Little Sumpin' that was hiding behind some very old lettuce. So this better work out.
  11. Sidney is going to have a field day with that one.
  12. Every one of those place names sounds wall-eyed, Jasper, Texasy to me. (During summer vacation I used to pull skeet with a guy named Tucker form Lithonia.)
  13. I can live with any fiasco as long as the Dems come out on top.
  14. Here's my anecdote. Both disgusting Republicans are going to win rather handily.
  15. Waiting for the next one to drop in my overcast.fm feed. I think you just let the thing grow organically. See if someone will send you some theme music. Roundtable for the bulk of the show/non-surly guest if you can find a relevant one/then maybe a surly guest for a couple of minutes at the end to talk about something surly, etc. End with some soundcloudy guest music by a surly person. We're Austin based. Someone can play the blues better than Marc Maron.
  16. Here is the oath that Secret Service folks take: “I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” I'd order then to stand down but stand by.
  17. Every Trump quisling should be forced to listen non-stop to Al Franken's cackle for their eternity in hell.
  18. Wife was watching Spy Games last night, and as I walked by, she said "This is a bit like Tinker Tailor whatever". I wouldn't trust her but that's what she said.
  19. You guys, when you talk about movies, well...
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