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tantric superman

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Everything posted by tantric superman

  1. You're first sentence is fine, bu tmostly for Patricia Neal. From Here to Eternity blows it the fuck out of the Jap patrolled water.
  2. Jimmy Buffet doesn't suck -- he was on the soundtrack of urban cowboy) and I think I do remember a good song or two but the fact that some people really like him makes me sad, for some reason.
  3. Wiki says that CNN reporting that advertisers seemed to be pulling out of his show. I guess it's pretty serious.
  4. Well, hell. I'll let you guys work on the specifics. But if we can use this to drive a further wedge between the gutless Collins moderate style Repubs and the gutless Qanon loonies, that would be nice.
  5. If there is data to support lesser money velocity if 1/2 the recipients get twice the money, that makes sense. But do we have that data?
  6. Silverado (Dawson, who knows where the hideout is.). "I think there's only two assholes up there and he's one of them...""They're getting the horses!"
  7. Isn't the response to them demanding a higher cutoff point simply agreeing as long as the pool of money stays the same -- the people who do get checks get more? I don't care if the poorer 1/2 get twice as much.
  8. My plan was to win the presidency and the means test millenials with steady jobs out of the stimulus. Didn't plan on Georgia.
  9. This guy knows how to appreciate movies, and probably fucks.
  10. But each of her only weighs half of a regular woman.
  11. Yep. Scenes made it look like it was filmed on the set of Prometheus. Lynch's Dune looks like was filmed on shrooms. It's going to be solid as hell, and hope it works out. Chalamet seems a bit diminutive for the role, but I will admit I never read the books.
  12. He said the Dune trailer makes it seem the new movie isn't as good as the old.
  13. Trip to Spain (2017) it was fine feel like some wine and octopus and little bits of ham.
  14. Goddammit. I have to get some work done this afternoon and you've got me daydreaming about June. Wally must have been conflicted as fuck.
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