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Sock Monkey

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Everything posted by Sock Monkey

  1. We all getting our glizzies succed by our woo thots tonite!!!
  2. Makes more sense than him thinking Morgantown would be a better environment to, at the very least, prepare for the NFL draft process.
  3. If true, Tom needs to soften up his stance and point to how he let D'Shawn Jamison play WR his freshman season (different situation I know) and how he has used him as a KR as examples of him being flexible with how he uses players with Bowman's talent. Who has ou actually played both ways under Riley?
  4. I prefer the Cotton Bowl, but random home & home with ou would be wild.
  5. Herman has shown that he has little interest in soft prima donna type recruits. With a few exceptions, he seems to have a personality type be aims for. ou can have Latrell.
  6. I don't know if I ever recall hearing of a highly rated tackle moving to center as the skill sets are a pretty different, but that seems to be all the talk around Kerstetter. Makes you really wonder if the coaches are going to do what they can to keep him at tackle.
  7. He's from the heart of Big 10 country. Any Texas ties that would explain his interest? He has clearly visited, which I a prerequisite for me to believe there is a chance for an OOS recruit.
  8. These look great, but I'd still want find a way to get a little burnt orange on there with the chest logo or something.
  9. I found his name on this site earlier this spring and had to do some research. Damn shame. https://relativeathleticscores.com/2017/01/17/rb-relative-athletic-scores-ras-table/
  10. I dare you to step away from the keyboard and tell that to an ICU nurse working at a hospital overrun with COVID-19 patients. Maybe the hospital I work at.
  11. The potential is there for an undefeated regular season, but it is not going to happen. Too many things would have to go right. I think 10-2 with a 2-2 record versus LSU, ou, ISU, and OSU is a safer bet. Throw in a head scratcher of a loss and we are 9-3.
  12. I have to assume that, if the 2020 season doesn't happen or is very abbreviated, many of our NFL draft candidates would have no choice but to come back for the 2021 season. Okafor and Imade are our only two RS seniors. Worst case scenario would be a 2020 season that is long enough for our NFL hopefuls to raise their stock but too short to count for anything else important.
  13. I think I found our QB2. https://247sports.com/Player/General-Booty-46058082/
  14. I was pointing out that you are more statistically more likely to recruit over performing 3 stars when you recruit more 3 stars. It also helps to evaluate and scout for talent rather than sign the kid running for 2000 yards behind an o-line that would make many FCS teams envious.
  15. They also recruit nothing but 3 stars.
  16. I just don't see the point in getting worked up over non-senior season hudl film or track times. Kids get stronger, faster, and better as they age and grow.
  17. I understand your sentiment, but the correct answer is ou.
  18. How many LBs do we want in this class? Would we have room for Terrence Cooks and Andrew Jones if they both wanted to commit, assuming, Clayton Smith projects as an WDE? It's easy to forget that we already have Derrick Harris Jr.
  19. Had to check your username to understand this take. As I mentioned previously, I've spent plenty of time in Lincoln and lived in Columbia for two years. Columbia is nicer and more sophisticated than Lincoln in almost every way. Lincoln is the result of Omaha taking a shit.
  20. Oldest public university. Missouri does have disappointing BBQ. You got that right. Granted, I've never done much searching for it in STL or KC. Surely they should both have at least one local secret type place buried somewhere in the hoods.
  21. I ask that you please not tarnish my highly exalted reputation within this most distinguished community of scholars and gentlemen father.
  22. IMWP's son here. My wife and I chose Mizzou for grad school basically because, between having tuition waived and paid GRA positions, it cost next to nothing (Dave Ramsey probably got randomly horny the moment we made that decision). We never even visited Columbia, but, I must say, we really enjoyed our two years there. It's on the northern end of the beautiful part of Missouri, riddled with hike and bike trails, and the people there were good to us. Plus, Columbia is a very affordable place to live. For example, we were not flush with cash, but had plenty of good restaurant options for dates and meeting up with friends. As for the university, I think I can explain the perspective of Mizzou fans being over confident. Mizzou is the only major DI school in the state and our nation's oldest university west of the Mississippi. It's like Nebraska in that many Missourians never consider another school for undergrad. This cultural status gives Mizzou an undeserved local mystique. Most students and alumni don't care too much that they are solidly mediocre at sports, but support the team and attend games as per tradition. As you'd expect the social tailgating scene has more energy than the games. I guess you can say early football success in the eastern division was a nice boost of confidence, but, otherwise, only cocky, ignorant undergrads are going to talk much shit. Personally, I never became a huge fan of their athletics. They were not good at anything when I was there, and the SEC chest thumping was nothing compared to aggy but still annoying. I've held on to two shirts and always hope they can upset higher status SEC opponents. That's about it. TLDNR version - I went to grad school at Mizzou. It is Nebraska's better looking cousin who has a better personality but doesn't have a glory days to fall back on and hates it's neighbor Kansas for having one elite sport.
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