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El Squared

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Everything posted by El Squared

  1. Any real ATX resident from the late 70s to the early 80s would sport tix to: - the Skunks -The Standing Waves -The Judys -Joe King Carrasco and the Crowns - Extreme Heat - Le Roi Brothers -Shake Russsell @ the Aramadillo, Liberty Lunch, the Tree House, Hole in the Wall, Club Foot
  2. As could be said of several UT receivers sadly…think Roy Williams at times….etc…..
  3. It’s because of the diving reflex that shunts blood from other organs to brain and heart
  4. It’s because of the diving reflex that shunts blood from other organs to brain and heart
  5. Seizures after an anoxic encephalopathy event are an indicator of a very poor prognosis unfortunately.
  6. Yes. We gave Bama a game and even aggy almost beat them. SEC not that sec this year. Bama not that Bama either.
  7. Looks like a regarded version of Coach Hatfield and Coach McCOY….
  8. I call bullshit on 94.6% eATMe attendance figure , as there were about 100 people in the stands for UMass. No fact checking needed I guess for sec.
  9. If ever there was a bunch that needed an investigation into payoffs outside of the Washington Beltway, it’s the B12 refs.
  10. No 2 sec teams should be in the CFB, and 2 loss Bama needs to keep the fuck out. So tired to the Sabah Slurp from football media. Want the the pathetic diving/ice dancing judging method of selecting teams to die. Settle it on the field, like people with testicles are supposed to. I am embarrassed for those who support “brand”-only participation in championships.
  11. That ok but not where the dollars are, it’s tv in case you didn’t know that existed. Money talks, bullshit walks. Universal truth.
  12. Seeding is one thing, setting teams that qualify is another, as many teams as possible need to earn their way into the playoffs without political/financial interests.
  13. As the last encounter was at Pyle Field, I see no logic in going back there before rogering them again at DKR….
  14. Yes, all you can eat buffets are basically brothels to fatterson, why not?
  15. Because he gives zero fucks and money and location are good. Want to know more?.....certain....certain....Attractions.
  16. No video of the most crucial facility, the weed barn, its state of the art.
  17. Is he an OC or a HC now, I haz da confuz?
  18. Gees the spin is over the top, as if the entire world was dying to get him in a savage bidding war. Nice short sleeve hoodie, Fetterman wants it back (no CR).
  19. YOU said a 1 point TCU loss is trumped by a tOSU buttfucking at home, in front of the family. Are you obtuse or just re-tuse?
  20. Pulling for Utah. Don’t like the odds of being able to beat the same team twice, but do not want the Lincoln Rileys to prevail, and then endless media super slurp to the California Condoms.
  21. Why because tOSU got dry anal at home? Come the fuck on.
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