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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. tell me you drove home drunk without telling me.
  2. since this post right after xmas, their coin (airdropped free to holders in Aug) has doubled from $3 to $6 (https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/crypto-raiders) and they just airdropped a min of $600 (.17eth) of new nfts to stakers and original nft holders. i got ~1.2 eth worth and missed on rares or it would have been a lot more. nfa, but still early on this.
  3. there is another 'free' dao for $GAS. seems like just a copy cat money grab for the creators. dyor, but seems safe to collect and sell, but i would not buy any. i only had $600 worth. tried to sell and got a failed tx (probably needed higher slippage %) costing me like $75. not sure if it is worth it to try again
  4. i will have to try this. my goto is generally mezcal and grapefruit seltzer water and/or grapefruit mixer
  5. lulz. better chance of getting a ps5 last xmas. wife was trying to get a test and it was a no-go at 4 different cvs and walgreens locations.
  6. got 3 bottles of mezcal...don't remember the rest
  7. https://www.nftculture.com/nft-games/nft-project-of-the-year-crypto-raiders/ Crypto Raiders is the team that just keeps delivering. if you wanted to get in on a P2E nft, give them a look.
  8. Wow! Just sold my SOS for a cool 1 eth. Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!
  9. up to .28 eth for my 450mil SOS. temping now...free $1100
  10. dyor, but this opensea related $SOS seems legit. you can check your claim here and it seems to be based on amount spent through OS. mine was like 55 ETH spent and netted 450 mil of this token. right now it's worth a whopping .12 eth. I have claimed it from this site: https://www.theopendao.com/ but not sold. I have no expectation this will go up at all and probably should just take $ and run. you can check the price on this dex https://www.dextools.io/app/ether/pair-explorer/0xb84c45174bfc6b8f3eaecbae11dee63114f5c1b2 i have not checked my other less used wallets.
  11. bitching about holiday weather thread is over there --->
  12. yeah, my point is that even 40 yards is plenty of time/distance to separate out who's faster and in better shape. 400 yards seems excessive but hey, if you can get it it should make it easier.
  13. there would no difference in the 40 and 400 as the better in-shape 'athlete' would win regardless of height, imo. i am an expert because my roommate at UT was on the track team and ran the 400 hurdles. If the tall guy added the hurdles to the race, then you being a manlet would come into play but otherwise you should be in the clear to win by a convincing margin.
  14. Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom dinner reception scene would start Planet of the Apes for sure This story is just fascinating; are the monkey being vindictive and know they are going overboard? Are they just completely eliminating a threat that killed one of their infants? Where's Koko when you need her to ask these hard-hitting questions? We know killer whales are yuge assholes and supreme dicks and kill shit for fun.
  15. doggocide aside, that's actually pretty badass of the monkeys. i mean, how human is taking revenge waaaaaay too far? better keep an eye on this pack and see if they start walking upright, drinking IPAs and starting conspiracy theory websites claiming that cats actually killed the infant monkeys and framed the dogs
  16. pretty damn funny. although in my head i say HOED-EL when i read it.
  17. lol, all they will do is double the sub price for citizens in the cities that have sued (if they should win). Is the city going to sue the big 3 letter broadcast companies as well since they all have streaming services? does anyone have a link to the actual statute? Is this some ancient law stemming from a Ma Bell agreement? Streaming is an amenity for your citizens so yeah, the cities should be expected to give a little fair use for public land so we can have nice things.
  18. Ewers talk not going away. JFC, can we get back lauding Charlie Strong?
  19. that's the issue. there is a non-zero number of people that care and are affected. The number on both sides probably rounds to zero. i am woefully ignorant of the issues surrounding this. On one hand, forcing transgender women to train, travel and compete with/against men is not cool and probably overly stressful. But competitive advantages have to be looked at. From the NCAA Transgender Handbook on competitive advantage for Female competitors The standard set for transgender athletes to compete in their desired side of the sport (male or female) is to complete 1 year of hormone therapy and then they can proceed. Females ID'ing a male can compete on Men's team with or without testosterone augmentation. Males ID'ing female cannot compete on the women's team without a hormone therapy. Based on https://ncaaorg.s3.amazonaws.com/inclusion/lgbtq/INC_TransgenderHandbook.pdf - so from above #1 - no idea the % of transgender athletes in the ncca that underwent hormonal therapy prior to puberty but it has to be shockingly small. - #2 it's non point. yes, ALL (as in 100% in the world) male bodied are not taller, stronger etc... But law of averages says that most males at the same age/fitness level would have advantages. - #3 RE: the bolded part. i think we are seeing evidence of this. still very few instances to make assumptions on though. There does not seem a fair and equitable answer to make everyone whole. I think they should just continue down the path that they are on until a point where if/when the outliers start to become the norm, then some competitive rebalance may be needed.
  20. my wife has a wallet and knows how to use seed phrases. both kids have mm accounts but are not super savvy about how they work just yet, but they are in middle school. all pw and seed phrases are in a safe, but still need to go and list the credentials/pw/2fa for the centralized exchanges. I think stuff like this will be rolled into what should be a burgeoning tax/accounting service for crypto. after i get hit by a bus, i think my fam could at least find my crypto stuff. whether they would sell my animal jpegs for pennies on the dollar is another story.
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