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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. unless this was that guy 3 minutes earlier really not sure what, besides bloodthirsty cop, to warrant the scooter driver's execution.
  2. nice! how is BYOP doing? i remember that mint. it was not a quick a flip. i remember grinding like hell to turn a small profit. all the traits were hard tell what was rare
  3. yeah, i just assumed that too. I actually followed through and gave it away, lol. it was interesting. I am not a big twitter guy with a handful of followers. I think i gained ~35 new followers to get to 140ish. so 38% increase on a $200 NFT (that i got for a few pennies in MATIC fees).
  4. saw a scam that happens on these giveaways. if the winner is announces, someone creates a similar handle and DMs the prize giver. Then gets the prizegiver to send the NFT (or set up a zero cost private auction on OS) to their address. so many scammers out there it's crazy.
  5. yo i am giving away a free Crypto Raider nft. giving surly a heads up here i am no shit up $50K on this project. gaming nfts are booming right now.
  6. sounds worse that a vegan crossfitter. no one fucking cares.
  7. we should never have a president/senator elected in their 70s. it's fucking stupid and asking for trouble. don't care which party. But it's good to be laughing at this type of shit again.
  8. bailed mid 4th when it was tied. guessing we lost. LA forced the ball to go to WCS near the FT line and he made a few good plays/decisions but it largely succeeded in getting the ball out of Luka's hands and worked overall in limiting what the Mavs were doing on offense. The parade of bricks from 3 were not helping either. That one sequence where we went missed 3, Of rebound, missed 3, Of rebound, missed 3 was stellar. first game i have watched for more that 5 mins in a while.
  9. I work for a huge corp and they cited the EO for federal contractor and subs to adopt vaccine mandates. Either get vaxxed by x date, submit a reasonable accommodation request or get fucked. Set early Jan as date for all employees returning to office. They are allowing 2 days/wk to WFH. Used to be 1 day a week, but i never did it.
  10. Tried to dress her up as the Loki crocodile variant. There was an attempt
  11. why is Brain Davis getting hard over this game? /nokinkshame
  12. This is what i think he is referring to. maybe not exact but, sadly i knew what he was talking about.
  13. they had a camera shot of him sitting by danny dimes on the bench after getting sacked on consecutive plays. danny was tired of his shit for sure.
  14. no worries. it's hard to tell these days. our state is very gung ho about sowing freedom and capitalism until it involves reaping the repercussions from maximizing profits over preparedness.
  15. dude, in an unregulated free market system for public utilities, the public should obviously be on the hook for this shit. I mean, public is right there in the name and gets ALL the benefit that competition and capitalism bring the equation.
  16. reimburse via a charitable donation in her name to the zoo. or the HUMAN fund.
  17. they will amend it to include "Fee may be reduced to $100 and instead be allocated to my re-election campaign as applicable"
  18. man, i freaked the f out first time i transferred eth back to CB from my metamask. i did not know that CB has 4-5 different wallet addresses so i sent like 2eth back, copied the address and pasted and sent. well it took a while and clicked again to check the address and it was different! was thinking $8k down the drain but it showed up 15 minutes later.
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