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Dennis Taylor

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Everything posted by Dennis Taylor

  1. Sanders? As in Deion Sanders? I don't see old army ever going for that . I'd say Traylor because he would be able to pander to that fanbase very effectively and come relatively cheap compared to the 9 figure disaster they're currently smack dab in the middle of.
  2. It's this year, right up until the point that it's next year...get it?
  3. Yes it was, and yes it was awesome. We have a true Freshman locking down his position and I'm here for it. Gbenda only sees the field in case of injury or Ant Hill injury (god forbid) and we should all be thankful. Who knows where Hill ends up but his sack came when he was at edge and he used his instincts and quickness to avoid the trash and get Milroe. He's showing why everyone has known how special he is for awhile now. Gbenda's sack was when he came on an A gap blitz, got cut and hustled his ass off to get off the ground immediately and chase Milroe down. Bush and especially Burke just absolutely kicked the living shit out of Proctor, who Bama unabashedly stole from Iowa with a big old fashioned bag of cash in the 11th hour last cycle. That kid might turn out ok but holy shit did he get abused last night. He got away with a half dozen holds in addition to how many sacks and big plays he gave up
  4. It cracks me up how every time we play somewhere new, the opposing fans think they invented Horns down and do it so passionately... It's like we're going to say "Holy shit you guys are so damn clever! I've never seen that before!" I want to rewatch that and check but we should have won by at least 24, and possibly more.
  5. Tells you all you need to know about the inferiority complex of the cult
  6. Seems like a majority of homeless dudes have gloroius full heads of hair...wtf is up with that?? (Not counting the ones with shaved or nearly shaved heads for delousing purposes or mental issues)
  7. I thought she looked it, but that's no reason to wear an actual piñata with the flowing colored tissue paper.
  8. Why is Maria Taylor wearing a piñata?
  9. She's always had that 'hot mom next door that you know is secretly very naughty ' look. She's aged well too. Mike Barajas getting a little handsy there lol.
  10. I don't pay attention anymore but is it possible it's an angle?
  11. Yesterday I made a short list of things I needed from Costco. Wife sees and asks if I was going or if I wanted her to go. I said I'd go after dinner. She said she wanted to go also, and I said ok whatever. Eat dinner, start watching the astros beat the rangers senseless again. Wife is getting restless... 7:20 wife- are you just going to go tomorrow? Me- no, there's plenty of time. Wife- harumphing, fidgeting, sighing audibly for the next 20 minutes 7: 45 Me- let's go 7:55 arrive at Costco. Find the shit on my list. I'm pushing the cart going only where I need to go. Wife not happy 8:05 leave Costco. 8:15 arrive home, put Costo shit away. Resume watching The Asswhipping at Arlington . Me: did you have fun? Wife: No Me: that's because i went buying, not shopping Wife: tone Summary: Total time: 30 minutes Total Expenditure: on budget
  12. Katy lost to #7 Atascocita by 8, I wouldn't write them off just yet
  13. When you've got lines as smooth as "Hey good lookin we'll be back to pick you up later" that's gonna happen
  14. Jogging, biking, casual lifting and shit like that is fine for old guys. Cutting, stopping quick, power cleans shit like that is NOT for old guys.
  15. Now there's a modern reference that will resonate with the kids For the lulz
  16. That was a really really bad idea. There was no breeze at the time and that shit lingered forever. I'd be willing to bet that is a 1 and done. Sark was apparently not a fan
  17. Let me guess- it was about 12 years ago too
  18. BTW shouldn't the thread title be updated with the final score?
  19. Another Helo two-fer special.. LT 20 Steele 10 Westlake 47 Judson 0
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