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Dennis Taylor

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Everything posted by Dennis Taylor

  1. They will be saying "Kelvin Banks" in place of "Chuck Norris" in all those jokes in the near future. I'll start- The Outland Trophy just made Kelvin Banks' list
  2. If I could have found Beck after the 2017 Tech game I would have been arrested for murder. But I would have liked my chances with the jury
  3. Does she like throw pillows? Seasonal not-to-be -touched decorative towels that hang on the oven handle? Little basket type things to keep dog treat boxes in, that need to be replaced every year or so for absolutely no reason? Containers for laundry pods that look exactly like the container the pods originally came in, except they are clear? I know where you can get tons of this useless shit
  4. You spelled "Started Diaz now and for the rest of the season" wrong
  5. Former teammate and probably the best Cleveland Brown since Jim Brown very politely describes what a piece of shit Johnny Fuckface was/is Merril Hodge on how he knew Johnny wasn't going to cut it in the NFL
  6. You are the fucking man! That is amazing
  7. Ok where's the one with Travolta looking around, Uma and Rodney dancing, Idi Amin laughing on a boat, and Stone Cold Steve Austin saying What?
  8. Also gave us this classic post-game Muschamp soundbite
  9. You know those obvious bullshit glowing stories aggy posing as visiting fans post about going to Pyle Field ? This isn't one of them
  10. Is Dusty aware of something called a pinch hitter? Fuck me
  11. Well I met him when he was 6 so I still kinda consider him a kid. He was my older son's teammate
  12. I know a kid that is a class of 2017 recruit and is about to turn 25 that played at Blinn and now is at his 3rd D1 program
  13. So...if Looch or Jimbo or Johnny Fuckface is under that stupid head, you're DTF apparently...
  14. Don't forget the pics of the rectal waterboarding, bare red ass cheeks, awkward drunken hugging et al. Someone should post those as well
  15. I wouldn't get much sleep if I was him either
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