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Dennis Taylor

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Everything posted by Dennis Taylor

  1. Sully's statue thinks that's adorable
  2. Oh actually in California https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/officials-believe-fresno-warehouse-was-site-illegal-laboratory-rcna96756
  3. There is great significance to the passage of time
  4. All the guys on enough steroids and Bolivian Marching Powder to pull it off are deceased unfortunately
  5. Hell if I know. An upstairs and a downstairs...? If it's set at 77 during the day it's not running too much but if I move it to 75 it may never stop
  6. There isn't a woman on the planet that knows how thermostats work. Had a discussion with mine the other day for the 15000th time. Setting it lower isn't going to make it cool any faster, and by the way if it's 105 degrees outside it's not going to be comfortable regardless so just fucking deal with it. Other times when it's not so hot, she'll turn off the ceiling fan in her office and have a blanket on her lap, but the AC is running... what in the actual fuck ???!!!
  7. Hell no, what if someone bailed on you? You were already being too nice not splitting it evenly, wasn't your fault that couple only stayed 2 nights
  8. They could sell a shitload of those things. It's maroon, an almost large enough SEC logo, and many aggy fans would like the slimming effect as well
  9. Thanks but the jury's still out
  10. @texasdago. Forget the band, any more pics of her?
  11. Toadies Friday night at a pretty small venue called The Barn, ZZ Top on Sunday at Woodlands Pavillion
  12. This guy on the other hand, gets it. Probably somebody's sock
  13. I got my MD from Google when I had appendicitis the day of the LSU game and I knew the prognosis was...not good, to say the least. Got to the ER about 3 minutes after we didn't recover that last onside kick
  14. Has Spacey ever heard of the corps? I know they grab their own crotch-in public anyway- but maybe he can get then to start a new tradition. And, following @Deej lead..
  15. You're new here, this might not be the right place for you
  16. Them titties ain't cringy...and if you've got a broad at your wedding wearing a 69 jersey it was probably a pretty damn good time
  17. Do you think you're going to break the cycle there, whippersnapper?
  18. Yep https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3088778/Aaron-Hernandez-s-look-alike-older-brother-D-J-leaves-assistant-coaching-position-University-Iowa.html
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