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Dennis Taylor

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Everything posted by Dennis Taylor

  1. Feel good stories? Hell seemed to me that he only did stories about cancer, horrible accidents, leprosy and shit like that. Got to where I'd go do something else for 5 or 10 minutes to avoid his segments
  2. And Kendrick Perkins...he has somehow milked a media career out of a 5.4 career scoring average and room temp IQ
  3. If he ever gets on the field somewhere, I'm sure fans will be very forgiving of him when he's on the road
  4. "Jimbo is the inflation era Kevin Sumlin, you're just paying more for the same result " 😆 🤣 😂
  5. Please drop some more knowledge @Helobious...my internet is down right now, hows the game going?
  6. The Astros were scapegoated when numerous teams were known to have been sign stealing. Meanwhile the Yankees last appearance is almost old enough to get its drivers permit. And I found 2 farm system rankings, having the Yankees at 24th and 13th which I'd definitely say is middle of the pack. They're going to have to decide to either deal prospects to try to appease their moronic fan base or finish 4th in the east and fire everyone. And based on your well documented prognostication skills I may start making bets on the O's winning a title in the next few seasons
  7. The Orioles basically copying the Astros model of building around young stars certainly does not bode well for the Yankees (again). The Bronx's collection of roided-out, injury-prone overrated prima donnas is going to need a massive overhaul to keep them out of the bottom half of the division. And you can't expect much help from their middle of the pack farm system...
  8. More info including suspects name https://www.statesman.com/story/news/crime/2023/07/05/arrest-san-marcos-apartment-fire-village-vintage-suspect/70385520007/
  9. How is the weatherman not the one driving a prius?
  10. Future Chicken Chokers is more like it
  11. Leon update: a little tardy with these two but no XFL or USFL for Leon. Apparently very briefly with the Saskatchewan Roughriders...no NFL free agent interest. Then this happened...going into the crowd to get in some female fan's face should be the final nail in the ruse that is his post-aggy football efforts. @Longhornfrenzy @Knoxtnhorn
  12. Is it caused by a disc issue or by the piriformis? I guess of you're on scaffolding it could be the disc but if you're at a desk or driving a lot it could be the latter which can be helped siflgnicantly by certain stretches
  13. 7 + home team for Arky. But hopefully they can squeeze by Abilene Chrstian week 11
  14. Hired. Period. Not hot enough to act like that " I didn't know how many guys it would take to throw me out but I knew how many they were going to use" You're hired. For what I'm not sure, but you're hired
  15. Now word is that it wasn't a riptide ...footage doesn't show anything graphic https://www.totalprosports.com/nfl/ryan-mallett-drowning-bodycam-footage/
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