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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. Well, at least in this case, she seems to be making an argument that she may personally believe in (given her status as an attention whore of the highest order).
  2. Prepare for another courthouse steps crying session ...
  3. A picture worth a thousand words - too bad the Babylon Bee crowd just doesn't get it ...
  4. You applied the bandaid when the country needed the cure ...
  5. "But he made three $1400 truck payments, fer crying out loud!11!!"
  6. That's just roundoff error when you consider Kushner is getting paid $25m / year for managing a $2b investment by the Saudi Public Investment Fund (when he seems to have consistently lost money in his prior investment endeavors). Nothing to see here, though.
  7. Call me crazy, but I think the ~$150B / year corporate handout represented by the TCJA might just have been better spent in support of Ukraine, but the fatties of the world need boats, so here we are ...
  8. Yeah, it's probably a clear violation, but let's think about it for a few more election cycles, and then ask them to pretty-please fix it and then consider those revised maps for a few more cycles ... fuck these cunts.
  9. Perfect. They absolutely should have asked Elise what technical undergraduate degree she pursued to become a useful member of society. For the record: Elise can get fucked with her BA in government ...
  10. Hard-r, huh? Not looking for the subtle dog whistles anymore, I guess ...
  11. He'd never really forgive, but if he's scared enough and viewed this as his only option to save his own ass from conviction and real recourse, he'd definitely use Tucker to get re-elected and get a pardon. But he'd need to believe that there was no other alternative with a comparable chance of success.
  12. This would be a good opportunity to make a commercial about the impending trampling of privacy rights - sort of a real-life version of that commercial where the mom and daughter get stopped trying to travel out of state. Just load up a close friend's car with cameras, drive over to her house in the middle of the night , set up a dummy laying down in the passenger seat and drive toward the New Mexico border, and document the behavior of DPS / cops in Texas border towns / whatever new brown shirt organization Abbott and Paxton set up to police this shit. Perhaps people would realize it isn't just breathless overreaction after all ...
  13. Yeah, I'd always have the lingering concern that she'd unhinge that jaw and eat me whole, but at that time ...
  14. She's always had bass-mouth, but I don't know that you can deny that she was a little bit hot for a while before she went trailer trash for Fox News.
  15. Rest assured, the courts will certainly find that qualified immunity applies here and there will be absolutely no recourse for Officers Cleetus and Markwayne in this situation ...
  16. You remember all of those sci-fi movies where the aliens come to Earth like a plague to harvest all of its resources and then move on to the next planet ("V" et al)? Can you imagine if humans managed to master interstellar travel? Yeah, I can ...
  17. Perfect - let's expand it to the national defense strategy and we'll actually have a shot at repaying the national debt.
  18. I can beat that shit. My wife recently had to get transferred from the ICU in Austin (in-network) to an ICU in Dallas that could do ECMO (also, in-network). They transported her by helicopter (air ambulance, which is generally covered by my insurance). Nothing was mentioned to me at the time, but lo and behold, the service that they used was out-of-network. Price tag? $47,600. I had already hit my out-of-pocket in-network cap, so I had thought I was good. Instead, I now get to deal with an extra 5 figures of medical expense because of the classic in-network/out-of-network shenanigans (unless I can shame them into covering it as in-network ...). '' Yep - our medical system is just absolutely fucked.
  19. Just to be clear, I'm not condemning the other team for performative cosmetics - I'm condemning them for blocking military promotions, for blocking Supreme Court nominations, for not allowing witness testimony at Trump's second impeachment, for cramming 2 SC justices through without reasonable diligence and a metric shit-ton of other indefensible behavior. You know, shit that matters and would have been thought unconscionable a couple of decades ago. Would it be nice if everyone continued to dress up real nice? Sure. It's not going to fool anyone that's paying attention, though.
  20. Once the Senate becomes a functioning body again, maybe I'll start to care about this. Until then ... Oh, and when Fatty is on your side, you know you're either wrong or old as fuck.
  21. "... expand Holocaust awareness and create websites with curriculum tools for teachers nationwide!" MAGA conspiracy contingent: Of course, he's probably assuming that MAGA won't read past the first line, which is pretty much assured.
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