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Everything posted by CoTex

  1. In General Motors ranks, this was the midsize version with the sport package. The Cimmaron was the compact version with the deeluxe package. Cimmaron might have been better at setting the hook in the prey, but the Celebrity had the bigger back seat and the aforementioned equalizer on the stereo. I guess it boils down to do you spend more money on the bait, or do you spend your money on the fishbox. Heh, heh.
  2. Had a friend whose mom rolled around in one of these. They had the spacious expanse that only the chevy astro could provide, but we knew the style our dodge caravan exuded made up for the lack of comfort. You were at least 2 whole castes beneath us.
  3. But you looked like Saudi Royalty rolling around town in that thing, and that’s all that really mattered.
  4. Mom had one of these. Mitsubishi 2 liter 4 banger for the power and Detroit attention to detail for the assembly. This is the LE which was too much for our budget apparently because we had the lesser SE edition. My asshole older brother would sit in the third row, I would sit in the front, and he would demand we play his guns and roses and Beatles tape. If I didn’t dj to his liking we had to resolve the dispute by hand to hand combat when we arrived at our destination. To this day I tell my wife and family stories from my childhood and they don’t believe me. Believe it. It was real.
  5. This has been an interesting warmup by you all, but it’s time to get serious. I give you, the Chevrolet Celebrity Eurosport. This car checks all the boxes. 1. American made. Has a v6 in it so you’ve got all that American muscle. 2. Front wheel drive so that commie neighbor of yours won’t have a step on you with his Honda. 3. It’s got euro in the name so the young single guy down the street with the BMW will know you’re serious. 4. It’s computerized so those bureaucrats at the EPA are satisfied. 5. It’s got so much shit in the intake and exhaust system that somehow, magically, it can simultaneously get shitty gas mileage and create no power. If the fuel is t creating power… and it’s not creating exhaust … what is it doing? 6. It’s got an AC Delco stereo with knobs, levers, an equalizer and a clock. No matter the time, era or nostalgia, this car will never be in style or back in style. All of your shit cars pale in comparison to this shit.
  6. I’ve fished out of Hopedale twice and Fourchon once. Fourchon was a ghost town. Only other fisherman we saw were sitting on a bucket on the bank on the side of the road. Today - clouded out. 1 big ugly in 5 hours of poling and staring at our reflections on the water. Drank 6 beers. No gear lost or broken.
  7. Port Fourchon - not much here. Steamboat Flyfusher has some guides down here for the winter that had a last minute weekend opening so, mountain river guys at the bayou.
  8. Pescado Rojo you’ll like this. Buddy is casting - sees two big fish together. Casts and hooks the small one. It takes out a shitload of line. By small I mean probably a 34” red. Big one swims right behind the boat and is just sitting there. It’s big. Guide is snapping his fingers and saying “Cotex grab this other rod and bust the big one.” So 1 fish on up front, guide trying to get off poling platform, and me trying to get rod out and get behind guide and “snap.” I broke dude’s expensive ass fly rod, right in my hands. Then buddy breaks off the small fish. 0-2. Sorry for partying.
  9. Our final score was= 5 in the boat. 4 reds over 33”, 1 black drum. 1 broke off at the boat. Had bites/takes with about 10 fish but somehow or another fucked up a lot today. Had good shots at about 20 fish. Drum wouldnt bite and we suck at fly fishing. Casualties - 1 Winston 9 weight, 12 beers
  10. Cormac McCarthy already did this one and he called it No Country for Old Men. I know the correct answer is not “buy some tent poles, a shotgun and some Larry Mahans.”
  11. First I would like to thank my wife. Every weekend she’s got some to do list for me, or some event planned for us to use to strengthen our relationship, but I ignore all that so that I can stare at my phone and try to thing of clever things to type to random strangers. Next, Wulaw Horn. When I was nothing, had barely a pot and a window, he recognized my talent, and pulled me from the masses - anointing me as tied for something in week 3. Finally, I would like to thank the 2022 Texas longhorn football team. You made it interesting - even when you didn’t have to. I hereby disclaim my winnings (don’t want to get pushed into a higher tax bracket) and ask Wulaw to use them as he/she/they best sees fit. Good night.
  12. All right fine, I’ll bite. I want to buy 1 Bitcoin. Trade cash for 1 Bitcoin. Seriously, I can tolerate this amount going to $0. First step? Open an account somewhere?
  13. You say it’s intriguing - I agree. You say it’s worthwhile. Other than for the intrigue, why is it worthwhile?
  14. The chart earlier today in this thread showing that it had only had two down years, or the dip where it went from 36 cents to 6 cents - what was the point of those? I took those to mean that “sure, everything has hiccups, but overall this is a great move.” Maybe I cut a corner with “sure thing.” I didn’t show up to spike the ball. I was employed to work on a voyager project. I started reading and, what I’ve learned is, nobody has a straight answer about much of this stuff. It is mostly “it’s the next best thing.” But the way I see it, people aren’t picking this stuff up for financial transactions or to make their lives easier. It’s speculative. They think it will be worth more tomorrow than. It is today. I can’t figure out why it will be soooo valuable tomorrow but I can see that people say “it increased in value in the past so, surely it will in the future.” Doesn’t answer my questions. And so I throw out my pithy quips and opinions here and watch the responses.
  15. If it’s such a sure thing why does it swing so wildly? And if it’s the best currency ever, why do you constantly compare it to dollars?
  16. Contribute those to a wallet, get them on the chain, and then you can lever up baby.
  17. Can we start up a surly crypto? Seems easy. We just make up a name, and start cranking it out. Some press releases about how its the next greatest thing - better than the last one. When some idiots come along and want in - we jack the price and trickle some volume out. Then, when we get some real action, we dump and use the cash to buy a condo in the bahamas and pay some football players. Did I miss a step? I propose we call it "Gig em coin." I've got an idea about where we might find customers.
  18. Nailed it. If anyone is able to get money out of this debacle, they’ll need to put it somewhere. More lambos? GME?
  19. No kidding. Somebody is going to get stuck with a bunch of worthless shit. Fortunately it will be easily disposed of because it doesn’t even exist. You won’t be able to wallpaper your bathroom with the worthless paper because there ain’t none. just poof! Gone.
  20. Was that the quail/wild game place? Whatever it was it wasn’t Kings Inn. Spell it however you want but I know how to pronounce it. And don’t come at me - I planted a palm tree in that place once and played basketball in their gym.
  21. You traded a blizzard made with Smokey fingers for a blizzard made with clean fingers and a Smokey loogie blended inside? Not sure you came out ahead on that one.
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